Secrets of the Eye

Recently in class we watched the documentary, “Secrets of the Mind,” which features scientist V.S. Ramachandran, who is known for his extensive experiments and theories in behavioral neurology. Most popularly known for developing the mirror box, a device created to help amputees who suffer from phantom limb syndrome, Ramachandran also developed theories about blind sight…

Magenta Doesn’t Exist?

Recently in class we learned about the mantis shrimp and its ability to see color like no other animal on the planet. Mantis shrimp (Stomatopoda) are brightly colored crustaceans that live on reefs. They are commonly known among fisherman as “thumb splitters” because of their hammer-like claws which can deliver blows that accelerate as fast…

Video games on the Brain

Technology has expanded the canvas upon an artist’s ability to express their stories. Videogames prove to be an art form that can solely exist in the digital space and demonstrates a collision of art and science. Our brain interprets these artists’ creations in many ways, both presenting itself as beneficial, yet also damaging to the…

We Love Pretend Play!

I just met my 5-year-old niece recently at a family gathering, and she loves pretend play. She designed different scenarios for me to participate in together with her as different characters in stories and act out the plot she wanted to experience. While playing with her, I recalled the fact that I also loved and…

Art Therapy and Stroke Patients

1 in every 4 persons has a stroke. So sadly, it’s likely that most of us have had experienced or know someone who has had a stroke. I am a part of that demographic. For me, that person was my uncle. I had never known a time where I didn’t see him in a wheelchair…

When Do We Lose Hearing?

        Hearing is one of the most important sensations that people need for daily life. With hearing, we can communicate with people, enjoy beautiful music, and fulfill our everyday needs. However, as people are aging, hearing loss seems an inevitable experience. According to Wingfield and Peelle (2012), 40–50% of adults over the…

Prone to Forgetting?

The process of forgetting is a very scary one. I remember when I was a toddler in kindergarten, my grandmother would be the brightest, the loveliest woman aside from my mom, of course. She was the sweetest grandma and had the most memorable smile. Every day after I came back from elementary school, there would…

The Way To Someone’s Stomach Is Through Their Brain!

As the semester comes to an end, my friends have started to reflect on the good and the bad of our semester together. We usually partake in this activity at meals and go one by one around the table to share our thoughts. We discuss classes, places we explored together, and more often than not,…

Music Memory and Alzheimer’s

A few weeks ago I saw a video circulating on Twitter about an elderly woman with dementia suddenly remembering the choreography to the ballet Swan Lake after listening to the music of it. It was amazing to see how her arms would move with no hesitation as if she was still on the stage dancing…

Dissociative Identity Disorder and Art

Art is one of the greatest ways people choose to express themselves; among the various means of art, painting has also been popular. Painting encapsulates multiple methods and styles. In most cases, a mature artist is known for his/her specifically developed technique and styles. However, there is an exception to this phenomenon where a group…