The Boss of Me

The one on the right said “You are not the boss of me.” To her parents. To her teachers. She has to experience something to make a decision. She doesn’t read directions. She has a smart mouth.

I thought of her yesterday when I received instruction on how to pray: “Please be inclusive of other faith traditions when you give the invocation.”

I will celebrate 36 years of ordination around the same time I complete the DMin program. The only instruction I can recall on “how to pray” is “Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. (Matthew 6.9, NRSV)”

That instructor has authority with me. He is the boss of me. I will heed his counsel. As for the rest, I’ll invoke the spirit of the one on the right.


Blogging While Clueless about WordPress

Learning to Keep Coffee Close By So I Don’t Melt Down

This morning on the way to Candler, I was stopped in traffic at least four times by people in front of me driving their cars as if they had never been to the big city before.  I somehow managed to make it through with minimal cursing, but was still about 5 minutes late for class.  Fortunately, the class start was delayed a few minutes, so I didn’t miss anything.



This is a picture of me getting out of my car, taking up the microphone and criticizing the drivers in front of me.  I called people out by name and publicly shamed them for failure to maintain speed, looking at their phones instead of the light when it turns green, and not having a sense of direction on where they were going.  I made grown men cry.




Now, I’ll invite you to join me in my happy place by clicking HERE

Or see below!

With gratitude,




Pastoral Care in the Small Details

Screen shot, Terri Gross's notes

Screen shot, Terri Gross’s notes

Small details

I have a file of “thank-you” notes. One of my favorites is an old one from a five-year-old who is now graduating from high school: “Dear Rev. Cindy, thank you for teaching me that Caspian is Jesus,” complete with a drawing of me (signified by a cross) and a lion (a stick figure lion looks like a dog, but with a mane).

What he doesn’t know but will, as he ages, is that the thank-you note continues to have a ripple effect for the recipient, many years after it is received. It may have taken him 15 minutes (because writing was a new skill, but it still speaks volumes of love to me.

The small details matter. The five minutes makes a difference. My lesson from this is that I need to take the five minutes to do the caring thing.



Hospitality in the Black Church

Passionate Worship

Passionate Worship

Jesus’ commands to love God and love neighbor demonstrate that one of the most important things we do as disciples of Jesus Christ is to seek and create opportunities to welcome and accept one another in love. While loving God and neighbor, we seek to build relationships that foster mutual care, acceptance, and worth.  In recent years, there has been a clarion call within the church to recapture the church’s ministry within the community by focusing on mission and outreach programs; however, many churches have failed to continuously evaluate and enhance their ministries and systems for welcoming and hospitality.


Mary Day 2016

As twins, Mary and Emma share a birthday.  Each year, we also give each of them a day that’s all their own when we celebrate them individually.  August 15 was “Mary Day,” chosen because it’s also the feast day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Mary loves whales.  We visited Marineland in Niagara Falls, ON, on Friday so that she could see the beluga whales they have there. She had never seen a real live whale before, and she was ecstatic!   NaNa and Emma baked this cake for her, and iced it to look “like a beluga in a tank.”

A picture of Mary Thomason posing with her cake, topped with a whale figurine

Mary Day 2016 Cake


And now for something completely different….