Monthly Archives: November 2010

Open Access Discussion Continues

At the November 16 meeting of the Faculty Council, the Library Policy Committee returned to lead further discussion of a proposal for a University open access policy that would enable immediate, unfettered access to Emory faculty authored scholarly articles. Members of the Council discussed the policy’s “opt-out” clause, its practicality, and whether it required a […]

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Possible Federal Changes to Individual Conflict of Interest Rules

In a presentation to the Faculty Council on the work of his office, Vice President for Research Administration David Wynes described pending federal regulation that would dramatically overhaul the federal conflict of interest regulations for individual faculty. Among the major proposed changes: The threshold for review for conflict of interest in outside activity would be […]

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Emory Dual Career Network Launched

The Faculty Council heard a brief presentation in November from Jennifer Jeffries-Gal- lagher, manager of the newly created Emory Dual Career Network. This new endeavor, launched as a partnership between Human Resources and the Office of the Provost, springs out of the initiative of the Work/Life Committee concerning dual couple recruit- ment recommendations. “We benchmarked […]

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