Suppose you would like to control something with many degrees of freedom (engineering parlance for something complicated that has many parts of it that can move or take actions), how…
Author: Zach Danziger
NIDDK Grant to Revolutionize Mathematical Systems Physiology
I’m very excited to announce (September 2022 throwback) that NIDDK at NIH is supporting me to lead a big, interdisciplinary team to invent a new mathematical infrastructure to model the…
A New Way to Test Brain-Computer Interface Decoders: the jaBCI
The neuroscience community has been trying to build a brain-to-computer translator, that is, a system that records the electrical chatter of neurons and deciphers the thoughts of the person to…
Age Changes Neural Regulation of the Bladder and Urethra
Many of us accept that our bladders naturally weaken as we age, but is it inevitable? To stop age-related bladder underactivity (UAB) we will need to first understand why it…
Transition to Emory
The lab is starting its migration to Emory University! It is an exciting time for new science and new opportunities. I will be working with colleagues across the university, and…