Case Study: Canvas Wikis for Seminar Facilitators

Open book focused through reading glasses

Course: SOC 585, Qualitative Methods in Sociology

Semester: Spring 2019

Instructor: Cassidy Puckett

Assignment in Brief

This was a simple online activity to augment a graduate course that met face to face. The teacher created a separate template for each week’s facilitators to complete. Two graduate students served as facilitators with three responsibilities:

  1. to post discussion questions on the week’s Canvas wiki page 48 hours before the seminar,
  2. to facilitate discussion of assigned readings during the seminar, and
  3. to post the notes they take during class discussion on the week’s Canvas wiki page after the seminar.

Seminar facilitation figured in students’ participation grades.

Technology Used

Canvas Pages: wikis are Canvas pages set to allow both teachers and students to edit. Only one person should make changes at a time. Canvas pages have version histories.

Learning Outcomes

Identify and interrogate important topics, issues, and passages in assigned readings.

Dr. Puckett developed this version of her seminar facilitation assignment with me in the 2018 Teaching with Canvas (TwC) cohort. Click here to read more about her TwC experience. Would you like to work on something similar? Click here to make a Canvas support appointment with us in TLT.


Header image by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash