The department of Quantitative Theory and Methods (QTM) used the Academic Production Studio to record interviews in collaboration with Teaching & Learning Technologies in Fall 2019. These videos were then added to Canvas using the Canvas Studio tool for QTM students to view for professional development.
Case Studies
Examples of technology solutions

Engage and Connect with Students in Canvas
Finding creative and engaging ways to use Canvas to connect with students is one of the challenging and fun parts of setting up a course. Canvas has a huge variety of tools that can provide benefits for both faculty and students.

Case Study: Canvas Wikis for Seminar Facilitators
A simple online activity to augment seminars using Canvas wiki pages: student facilitators post discussion questions online two days before class, facilitate discussion in person, then post their notes.

Case Study: Using Virtual Reality to Explore Cities
Course: ENVS 385/585, Urban Geography Semester: Fall 2018 Instructor: Michael Page Assignment in Brief 14 students used Google Earth VR…