Canvas Release Highlights for December 2021

Pen writing on ruled paper

Instructure has scheduled no Canvas production release for December 2021. Nevertheless, noteworthy feature updates are scheduled in code deploys and special releases. They are:

  • After December 1, 2021, teachers can publish courses from the Settings area (in addition to the Home page and Dashboard). Click here for Deploy notes.
  • After December 15, 2021, teachers can tell Canvas to open SpeedGrader in a new tab (default/current behavior) or in the same browser tab under their user account settings. Click here for Deploy notes.
  • After December 20, 2021, teachers can adjust criteria in the New Analytics “Online Attendance” report for daily course activity/access. Click here for New Analytics feature announcement. (We plan to activate this feature, available December 7, after the current term ends.)

Click here for the list of Canvas release notes. The full notes contain more details about these and other changes, links to screencasts explaining some of the changes contained in the release, and feature Q&A discussions. Log in to the Canvas Community to join the discussion.

Header photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash