We call for participants in a community of practice for instructors and instructional designers using New Quizzes in Canvas. We will facilitate this community in the 2023-2024 academic year.

New Quizzes Community of Practice
Call for participants: New Quizzes community of practice during the Spring 2023 term. We will host four meetings and encourage online communication about New Quizzes users’ experiences with the tool.

New Tools in Canvas to Enhance Remote Learning
Several new tools for Canvas are now available to organize, improve accessibility, and facilitate testing in your courses.

Engage and Connect with Students in Canvas
Finding creative and engaging ways to use Canvas to connect with students is one of the challenging and fun parts of setting up a course. Canvas has a huge variety of tools that can provide benefits for both faculty and students.

Active Classrooms: Audience Response Systems – Poll Everywhere and Kahoot!
If you have ever thought about adding more interaction into your lectures, audience response systems (ARS) are easier than ever to use and a great tool for moving students beyond passive listening and note-taking.