New Quizzes Community of Practice

We call for participants in a community of practice for instructors and instructional designers using New Quizzes in Canvas. We will facilitate this community throughout the Spring 2023 term.

Your Emory Teaching & Learning Technologies team invites first-time users of New Quizzes and long-standing users alike to join a community of practice. We will host four meetings of the community throughout the Spring 2023 term, and we have opened a Canvas course for communication.

Our objectives for the community of practice members are to learn to activate the New Quizzes tool, build new assessments in New Quizzes, migrate existing assessments to New Quizzes, discuss their New Quizzes experiences in meetings and in online discussions, share resources, and participate in the Instructure Community New Quizzes Hub. An additional benefit for first-time instructors and other first-time online quiz users is bypassing migration planning when Classic Quizzes is eventually retired (we do not yet have this retirement date).

New Quizzes has several attractive new features and new question types:

  • assessments print well (for alternative offline testing),
  • time limit accommodations can be given to a student across all New Quizzes in a course,
  • questions can be grouped together with a single stimulus such as a reading passage,
  • an image hotspot question type, and
  • a categorization question type.

Some features that New Quizzes does not have yet are:

  • bulk migration when copying course content,
  • full response spreadsheet exports (Student Analysis in Classic Quizzes),
  • real-time item analysis,
  • the Canvas rich content editor (update: this feature arrived 12/17/22 but was removed 1/10/23 due to permissions issues),
  • surveys, and
  • one-question-at-a-time grading.

If you need these features in Spring 2023, please use Classic Quizzes.

All you need to do to join the New Quizzes Community of Practice (NQCOP) for Spring 2023 is go to the Canvas course and click the +Join this Course button. (Update: we welcome participants to join during the Spring 2023 semester.)

Header photo by Sam Timme