EBCC Fall 2024 Kickoff Event

Welcome back! Please join us on Tuesday, August 27th from 5:30-7:00 PM in Atwood Chemistry, Room 360 as we kickoff our fall consulting projects. We have a fantastic group of clients each with their own exciting technology and set of deliverables for our students to work on. For more details, please see the attached flyer and if you are interested in working with us this semester, please RSVP here:https://forms.gle/CBR46MtDa79cZ2V2A.

EBCC Spring 2022 Kickoff

Hello EBCC!

We are hosting our Spring 2021 Kickoff Event, Thursday, January 27th, 5-6:30 PM EST virtually on Zoom.

We will overview the club, introduce the projects for the semester, and you can sign up to join a team of your interest. The presentations will be followed by breakout rooms with a chance to network and learn more about the projects.

If you can’t attend the kickoff but are potentially interested in joining a team, contact ognewou [at] emory [dot] edu or lauren [dot] ann [dot] jeffers [at] emory [dot] edu. To be updated with future events, go here to be added to the listserv.


EBCC Fall 2021 Kickoff

Hello EBCC!

We are hosting our Spring 2021 Kickoff Event, Tuesday, August 31st, 4-5:30 PM EST RVSP HERE!

We will overview the club, introduce the projects for the semester, and you can sign up to join a team of your interest. The presentations will be followed by breakout rooms with a chance to network and learn more about the projects.

If you can’t attend the kickoff, but are potentially interested in joining a team, contact ognewou [at] emory [dot] edu or Lauren [dot] ann [dot] jeffers [at] emory [dot] edu. To be updated with future events, go here to be added to the listserv.

EBCC Spring 2021 Kickoff

Hello EBCC!

We are hosting our Spring 2021 Kickoff Event, Tuesday, Feb 2nd, 4-5:30 PM EST virtually on Zoom.

We will overview the club, introduce the projects for the semester, and you can sign up to join a team of your interest. The presentations will be followed by breakout rooms with a chance to network and learn more about the projects.

If you can’t attend the kickoff, but are potentially interested in joining a team, contact dswiebo [at] emory [dot] edu or ecsatar [at] emory [dot] edu. To be updated with future events, go here to be added to the listserv.