Assessing the Climate

In order to have an idea of how satisfied the Emory community is with its green space, and how they would like to see it in the future, we created a survey on Survey Monkey and distributed it to the community. After about 2 weeks, we received about 100 responses from people in the community. Below are the results.

Survey 1

Survey 2

Survey 3


Additional Comments and Suggestions:

“I get very frustrated by the smokers that tend to hide behind trees and such. It is nice to have this space, but use is limited by the number of smokers keeping the rest of us away.”

“would like more shade – whether natural or umbrellas – so we could enjoy the outside in the summer and stay out of the sun. Put picnic tables and benches in the shade.”

“More running trails, especially through Lullwater!”

“It seems to be either/or for Facilities Management – either they leave it alone, or they ‘landscape the heck out of it’ – and if there’s any problem, they pave over it… even in areas that can’t be totally naturalized, can we not have the evenly spaced little bushes..? Landscaping like that you get at shopping malls, etc. Look at how we can plant and design so the plants and animals can do their thing without too much intervention and we will have a happier (and healthier) campus. More space less clutter and crowding… and no more herbicide/pesticide use in areas where people walk, unless it’s safe/organic. The stuff they used on the Business School lawn didn’t smell safe! ‘Landscaping is the consolation prize for loss of the natural world, and I am not consoled'”

“Philosophical, I like natural woodlands. BUT, I think a priority should be the main campus so I ranked others higher.”

“I use the Lullwater area a lot and am always impressed with how clean it is. I like the combination of trails, track and water. It’s lovely to have that resource on campus.”

“Perhaps we could map the connectedness of our current greenspace to identify areas to reduce fragmentation.”

“Love to see more water features, very soothing”

“more green spaces, preservation /conservartion of natural environments also add a water fountain to lullwater”

“Spaces such as Lullwater should have more seating areas and benches and more people might visit more”

“Grassy/outdoorsy places equipped to study (ex with tables and chairs)”