Flower and Bird Painting


 CHN 202

吕斌斌 (Nina Dutton)

 这幅画上是一枝树枝,树枝上站着一只小鸟。这枝树枝也有几片青绿色的叶子,还有三个白色的熟水果。树枝上的鸟是一只咖啡色的燕子。小燕有一个红头、一双绿翼、一条长尾和一个小嘴。这幅画是宋朝的,画家是林椿。林椿常常画花 、草、虫和小鸟。他大半的画是小幅的畫。






1. 树枝 shùzhī (n.) Branch, twig
例句: 这幅画上是一枝树枝Example: In this painting there is a tree branch.
2. 绿色 qīng (adj.) green bluish color
例句: 这枝树枝也有几片青绿色的叶子Example This branch also has several green leaves.
3. shú (adj.) ripe
例句: 三个白色的熟水果Example: Three white, ripe fruits
4. 燕子 yànzi (n.) swallow – a type of bird
例句: 树枝上的鸟是一只咖啡色的燕子Example: The bird on the branch is a brown swallow.
5. (n.) wing
例句: 一双绿翼Example: A pair of green wings
6. 长尾 chángwěi (n.) long tail
例句: 一条长尾Example: A long tail
7. 宋朝 Sòngcháo (n.) Song Dynasty
例句: 这幅画是宋朝的Example: This painting is from the Song Dynasty.
8. 大半 bàn More than half, mostly, for the greater part
例句: 他大半的画是小的。Example: Most of his paintings are small.
9. 看起来 kànlái Gives the impression that, appears to be, looks as if
例句: 小鸟画得很好,看起来好像是真的Example: The bird is painted very well; it appears real.


11. 好像 hǎoxiàng As if, to seem like
例句: 看起来好像是真的Example: It looks as if it is real. 
12. chuī (v.) to blow
例句: 风有时把树叶吹得转来转去Example: The wind sometimes blows the leaves.
13. 转来转去 zhuǎnláizhuǎn (v.) turn around and around
例句: 风有时把树叶吹得转来转去Example: The wind sometimes blows the leaves, turning them this way and that.
14. 水果 shuǐguǒ (n.) fruit
例句: 树上有很多熟水果Example: On the tree there are many ripe fruits.



Talk about bit about what is in this painting.  Who is the artist?


This artist normally paints what type of paintings?

3.看了这幅画以后,你有什么感觉? 为什么?

What types of feelings are evoked by this painting?  Why?


From the perspective of the author, why does the bird appear to want to fly off to another tree?


In this painting is a tree branch, on which stands a small bird. This branch also has several green leaves and three white, ripe fruits. The bird on the branch is a brown swallow. The little swallow has a red head, two green wings, a long tail and a small beak.

This painting is from the Song Dynasty, and the artist is Lin Chun. Lin Chun often painted flowers, grasses, insects and small birds. Most of his paintings are small. I chose this painting because the colors are pleasant to look at, and the bird is painted very well, appearing real.

It is summertime and the weather is very hot, but the wind sometimes blows the leaves, turning them this way and that. On the tree are many ripe fruits and children on their way home from school often run to the tree to eat fruits. On the highest branch is a small singing bird. The little bird looks like it wants to fly away into the air. I think that because one of the children laughed happily, the little bird was frightened away by the sound to fly to another tree.


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