Giving Influence


中文 201

聂安明 (Amir Naim)

             有一个人对我的看法、想法、性格有很大影响。她叫丽莎。可能你以为丽莎是我的妈妈 或者是我的奶奶或者我的姐姐。都不是,丽莎是我的小猫。 看看丽莎做的事,我学到了几个很重要的人生教训。除了我以外,丽莎什么朋友都没有,可是她老是很开心。她有很多问题:没有自由、没有钱、没有男朋友。可是她都不在乎。她 很容易处理这些问题。她不急躁,跟别的人相处得很好。看了我的小宠物的性格,我觉得我不可以常常愤怒。一天房东来了对我说,不许在公寓养小动物。他说丽莎得去街上住。如果他说我得住在街上的话,我会很愤怒,可是丽莎什么话都没说。希望有一天,我能有好像丽莎的一样开朗的性格。第二个教训也是非常重要。丽莎老是找到可以高兴的借口。我做饭的时候她高兴地跳。每天吃饭;吃饭不是特别的事,可是她总是吃得很高兴。我想那样生活(一点小事都会高兴)很健康。我想谢谢我的小猫, 因为她教了我很多事。我希望在将来从丽莎那儿还能学到别的教训。谢谢丽莎!


1. 看法 kàn fǎ opinions (n.)
例句: 谁影响我的看法、想法、性格最多?Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?
2. 想法 xiǎng fǎ way of thinking, thoughts (n.)
例句: 谁影响我的看法、想法、性格最多?Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?
3. 性格 xìng gé personality, characteristic (n.)
例句: 谁影响我的看法、想法、性格最多?Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?
4. 重要 zhòng yào important (adj.)
例句: 我学到了几个很重要的人生教训。Example: I have learned many important life lessons.
5. 教训 jiào xùn lessons (n.)
例句: 第二个教训也是非常重要。Example: The second lesson is also very important.
6. 自由 yóu freedom (n.)
例句: 她有很多问题:没有自由、没有钱、没有男朋友。Example: She has many problems: She doesn’t have freedom, she doesn’t have money, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
7. 在乎 zài hū care (about) (v.)
例句: 可是她都不在乎。Example: But she doesn’t care.
8. 处理 chǔ lǐ deal with, solve (v.)
例句: 她 很容易处理这些问题。Example: She deals with these problems very easily.
9. 急躁 jí zào get impatient(v.);irritable(adj.)
例句: 她不急躁,跟别的人相处得很好。Example: She doesn’t get irritable and she gets along with others very well.
10. 愤怒 fèn nù get angry(v.);outrageous (adj.)
例句: 看了我的小宠物的性格,我觉得我不可以常常愤怒。Example: When I see my pet’s personality, I can’t get mad.
11. 房东 fáng dōng landlord (n.)
例句:房东对我说,不许在公寓养小动物。Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.
12. 公寓 gōng yù apartment (n.)
例句: 房东对我说,不许在公寓养小动物。Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.
13. 动物 dòng wù animal(n.)
例句: 房东对我说,不许在公寓养小动物。Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.
14. 开朗 kāi lǎng cheerful (adj.)
例句: 希望有一天,我能有好像丽莎的一样开朗的性格。Example: I hope that one day I can have Lisha’s friendly personality.
15. 借口 jiè kǒu excuse (n.)
例句: 丽莎老是找可以高兴的借口。Example: Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy.
16. 高兴 gāo xìng happy (adj.)
例句: 丽莎老是找可以高兴的借口。Example: Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy.
17. 健康 jiàn kāng health (n.); healthy (adj.)
例句: 我想那样生活(一点小事都会高兴)很健康。Example: I think that that way of living (to be happy for little things) is very healthy.
18. 希望 xī wàng hope (v.;n.)
例句: 我希望在将来从丽莎那儿还能学到别的教训。Example: I hope to learn even more things from her in the future.



1. 丽莎与 作者是什么关系?

What is the relationship between Lisha and the author?

2. 丽莎有什么样的问题?

What problems does Lisha have?

3. 丽莎的性格是怎样的?

What are Lisha’s characteristics?

4. 作者向丽莎学习到什么?

What kind of lessons does the author learn from Lisha?

5. 你从动物的身上学习过功课吗?若有,是什么功课?

Have you learned any lessons from an animal? If yes, what are they?


There is one person who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality. Her name is Lisha. Perhaps you think that Lisha is my mother, or my mother-in-law, or my big sister. It turns out that Lisha is my cat. Watching what Lisha does, I have learned many important life lessons. Besides me, Lisha has no other friends, but she is always happy. She has many problems: she doesn’t have freedom, she doesn’t have money, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. But she doesn’t care. She deals with these problems very easily. She doesn’t get irritable and she gets along with others very well. When I see my pet’s personality, I can’t get mad. One day my landlord came and said I wasn’t allowed to raise animals in the apartment. He said Lisha must go live on the street. If someone told me to go live on the street I would be very upset, but Lisha didn’t say anything. I hope that one day I can have Lisha’s friendly personality. The second lesson is also very important. Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy. When I make food, she jumps with joy. She eats food every day, and eating isn’t something special, but she gets very happy. I think that that way of living (to be happy for little things) is very healthy. I would like to thank my cat, because she has taught me many things. I hope to learn even more things from her in the future. Thank you Lisha!



中文 201

聶安明 (Amir Naim)

有一個人對我的看法、想法、性格有很大影響。她叫麗莎。可能你以為麗莎是我的媽媽 或者是我的奶奶或者我的姐姐。都不是,麗莎是我的小貓。 看看麗莎做的事,我學到了幾個很重要的人生教訓。除了我以外,麗莎什麼朋友都沒有,可是她老是很開心。她有很多問題:沒有自由、沒有錢、沒有男朋友。可是她都不在乎。她 很容易處理這些問題。她不急躁,跟別的人相處得很好。看了我的小寵物的性格,我覺得我不可以常常憤怒。一天房東來了對我說,不許在公寓養小動物。他說麗莎得去街上住。如果他說我得住在街上的話,我會很憤怒,可是麗莎什麼話都沒說。希望有一天,我能有好像麗莎的一樣開朗的性格。第二個教訓也是非常重要。麗莎老是找到可以高興的借口。我做飯的時候她高興地跳。每天吃飯;吃飯不是特別的事,可是她總是吃得很高興。我想那樣生活(一點小事都會高興)很健康。我想謝謝我的小貓, 因為她教了我很多事。我希望在將來從麗莎那兒還能學到別的教訓。謝謝麗莎!


1. 看法 kàn fǎ opinions (n.)
例句: 誰影響我的看法、想法、性格最多?
Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?

2. 想法 xiǎng fǎ way of thinking, thoughts (n.)
例句: 誰影響我的看法、想法、性格最多?
Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?

3. 性格 xìng gé personality, characteristic (n.)
例句: 誰影響我的看法、想法、性格最多?
Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?

4. 重要 zhòng yào important (adj.)
例句: 我學到了幾個很重要的人生教訓。
Example: I have learned many important life lessons.

5. 教訓 jiào xùn lessons (n.)
例句: 第二個教訓也是非常重要。
Example: The second lesson is also very important.

6. 自由 zì yóu freedom (n.)
例句: 她有很多問題:沒有自由、沒有錢、沒有男朋友。
Example: She has many problems: She doesn’t have freedom, she doesn’t have money, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend.

7. 在乎 zài hū care (about) (v.)
例句: 可是她都不在乎。
Example: But she doesn’t care.

8. 處理 chǔ lǐ deal with, solve (v.)
例句: 她 很容易處理這些問題。
Example: She deals with these problems very easily.

9. 急躁 jí zào get impatient(v.);irritable(adj.)
例句: 她不急躁,跟別的人相處得很好。
Example: She doesn’t get irritable and she gets along with others very well.

10. 憤怒 fèn nù get angry(v.);outrageous (adj.)
例句: 看了我的小寵物的性格,我覺得我不可以常常憤怒。
Example: When I see my pet’s personality, I can’t get mad.

11. 房東 fáng dōng landlord (n.)
Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.

12. 公寓 gōng yù apartment (n.)
例句: 房東對我說,不許在公寓養小動物。
Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.

13. 動物 dòng wù animal(n.)
例句: 房東對我說,不許在公寓養小動物。
Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.

14. 開朗 kāi lǎng cheerful (adj.)
例句: 希望有一天,我能有好像麗莎的一樣開朗的性格。
Example: I hope that one day I can have Lisha’s friendly personality.

15. 借口 jiè kǒu excuse (n.)
例句: 麗莎老是找可以高興的借口。
Example: Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy.

16. 高興 gāo xìng happy (adj.)
例句: 麗莎老是找可以高興的借口。
Example: Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy.

17. 健康 jiàn kāng health (n.); healthy (adj.)
例句: 我想那樣生活(一點小事都會高興)很健康。
Example: I think that that way of living (to be happy for little things) is very healthy.

18. 希望 xī wàng hope (v.;n.)
例句: 我希望在將來從麗莎那兒還能學到別的教訓。
Example: I hope to learn even more things from her in the future.


1. 麗莎與 作者是什麼關系?

What is the relationship between Lisha and the author?

2. 麗莎有什麼樣的問題?

What problems does Lisha have?

3. 麗莎的性格是怎樣的?

What are Lisha’s characteristics?

4. 作者向麗莎學習到什麼?

What kind of lessons does the author learn from Lisha?

5. 你從動物的身上學習過功課嗎?若有,是什麼功課?

Have you learned any lessons from an animal? If yes, what are they?


There is one person who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality. Her name is Lisha. Perhaps you think that Lisha is my mother, or my mother-in-law, or my big sister. It turns out that Lisha is my cat. Watching what Lisha does, I have learned many important life lessons. Besides me, Lisha has no other friends, but she is always happy. She has many problems: she doesn’t have freedom, she doesn’t have money, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. But she doesn’t care. She deals with these problems very easily. She doesn’t get irritable and she gets along with others very well. When I see my pet’s personality, I can’t get mad. One day my landlord came and said I wasn’t allowed to raise animals in the apartment. He said Lisha must go live on the street. If someone told me to go live on the street I would be very upset, but Lisha didn’t say anything. I hope that one day I can have Lisha’s friendly personality. The second lesson is also very important. Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy. When I make food, she jumps with joy. She eats food every day, and eating isn’t something special, but she gets very happy. I think that that way of living (to be happy for little things) is very healthy. I would like to thank my cat, because she has taught me many things. I hope to learn even more things from her in the future. Thank you Lisha!


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