Shen Zhou’s painting


福大伟 David Foss


 1427年, 明朝沈周出生在苏州,他的家有很多钱。他是一位山水画的名家。他很会绘画,也喜欢打坐。现在他的画大半存在香港。我选这张画因为它很漂亮,而且山里的雾吸引了我。



1. 山水画 shānshuǐhuà  Landscape painting
例句: 沈周的这张山水画很有意思。Example: This is an interesting Shen Zhou landscape painting.
2. le Extremely
例句: 画里有两座山,山高极了。Example: The painting has two very tall mountains.
3. River
例句: 画里还有河,小楼,瀑布,雾和各种各样的树。Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.
4. 瀑布 Waterfall
例句: 画里还有河,小楼,瀑布,雾和各种各样的树。Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.
5. Fog, mist
例句: 画里还有河,小楼,瀑布,雾和各种各样的树。Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.
6. 各种各样 zhǒngyàng Various sorts and varieties
例句: 画里还有河,小楼,瀑布,雾和各种各样的树。Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.
7. 大半 bàn More than half, the greater part, most
例句: 画大半是绿色和咖啡色的。Example: Most of the painting is green and brown.
8. 出生 chūshēng To be born
例句: 1427年, 明朝沈周出生在苏州。Example: In 1427, Shen Zhou was born in the Ming Dynasty in the city of Suzhou.
9. 打坐 zuò Meditation/meditate
例句: 他很会绘画也喜欢打坐。Example: He can paint remarkably well and also likes to meditate.
10. 存在 cúnzài Exist
例句: 现在他的画大半存在香港。Example: Now, most of his paintings are located in Hong Kong.
11. 吸引 yǐn To attract, draw attention to
例句: 我选这张画因为它很漂亮,而且山里的雾吸引了我。Example: I chose this painting because it is beautiful; the fog around the mountains caught my eye.
12. 表面 biǎomiàn Surface, outside, appearance 
例句: 这张画表面上好像很壮丽漂亮,可是实际上山水很寂寞。Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.
13. 壮丽 zhuàng Can’t say for sure, maybe
例句: 这张画表面上好像很壮丽漂亮,可是实际上山水很寂寞。Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.
14. 实际上 shíshàng In fact, in reality, as a matter of fact
例句: 这张画表面上好像很壮丽漂亮,可是实际上山水很寂寞。Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.
15. 寂寞 (Adj.) Lonely
例句: 这张画表面上好像很壮丽漂亮,可是实际上山水很寂寞。Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.
16. 安静 ānjìng Quiet, peaceful, calm
例句: 我喜欢安静的地方,所以这是我向往的。Example: I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go.
17. 向往 xiàngwǎng To yearn for, to look forward to
例句: 我喜欢安静的地方,所以这是我向往的。Example: I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go.
18. 划船 huáchuán  To row a boat
例句: 你可以在河上划船,可是要小心瀑布。Example: You can row a boat on the river, but be careful of the waterfall.



1. 这张画是什么样的画, 上面有什么?

What type of painting is this?  What is drawn on it?

2. 沈周是谁?他在哪里出生?

Who is Shen Zhou?  Where was he born?

3. 作者为什么选了这张画?画里的颜色给作者带来什么样的感觉?你同意不同意他的看法?

Why did the author choose this painting?  What feelings did the colors of the painting
evoke in the author?  Do you agree with his interpretation of the painting?

4. 作者希望他可以住在那里?在那个地方他想要做什么?

Where does the author hope to live?  What does he want to do at that place?

5. 如果你有机会的话,你想要住在那样的地方吗?

If given the opportunity, would you want to live in such a place?


 This is an interesting Shen Zhou landscape painting. The painting has two very tall mountains, in addition to a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees. Most of the painting is green and brown, but there is one red tree. The small building is next to the river. The fog separates the mountain top from the bottom.

In 1427, Shen Zhou was born in the Ming Dynasty in the city of Suzhou into a rich family. He is famous for landscape paintings. He believes in Confucius’ teachings, and also believes painting is a form of meditation. Now, most of his paintings are located in Hong Kong. I chose this painting because it is beautiful, the fog around the mountains caught my eye.

On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape. It only has one red tree and one building. If I was in the painting, I would hope to sit and watch the waterfall from the building. I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go. You can row a boat on the river, but be careful of the waterfall.


福大偉 David Foss


1427年, 明朝沈周出生在蘇州,他的家有很多錢。他是一位山水畫的名家。他很會繪畫,也喜歡打坐。現在他的畫大半存在香港。我選這張畫因為它很漂亮,而且山裡的霧吸引了我。



1. 山水畫 shān​shuǐ​huà​ Landscape painting
例句: 沈周的這張山水畫很有意思。
Example: This is an interesting Shen Zhou landscape painting.

2. 極了 jí​le​ Extremely
例句: 畫裡有兩座山,山高極了。
Example: The painting has two very tall mountains.

3. 河 hé​ River
例句: 畫裡還有河,小樓,瀑布,霧和各種各樣的樹。
Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.

4. 瀑布 pù​bù​ Waterfall
例句: 畫裡還有河,小樓,瀑布,霧和各種各樣的樹。
Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.

5. 霧 wù​ Fog, mist
例句: 畫裡還有河,小樓,瀑布,霧和各種各樣的樹。
Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.

6. 各種各樣 gè​zhǒng​gè​yàng​ Various sorts and varieties
例句: 畫裡還有河,小樓,瀑布,霧和各種各樣的樹。
Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.

7. 大半 dà​bàn​ More than half, the greater part, most
例句: 畫大半是綠色和咖啡色的。
Example: Most of the painting is green and brown.

8. 出生 chū​shēng​ To be born
例句: 1427年, 明朝沈周出生在蘇州。
Example: In 1427, Shen Zhou was born in the Ming Dynasty in the city of Suzhou.

9. 打坐 dǎ​zuò​ Meditation/meditate
例句: 他很會繪畫也喜歡打坐。
Example: He can paint remarkably well and also likes to meditate.

10. 存在 cún​zài​ Exist
例句: 現在他的畫大半存在香港。
Example: Now, most of his paintings are located in Hong Kong.

11. 吸引 xī​yǐn​ To attract, draw attention to
例句: 我選這張畫因為它很漂亮,而且山裡的霧吸引了我。
Example: I chose this painting because it is beautiful; the fog around the mountains caught my eye.

12. 表面 biǎo​miàn​ Surface, outside, appearance
例句: 這張畫表面上好像很壯麗漂亮,可是實際上山水很寂寞。
Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.

13. 壯麗 zhuàng​lì​ Can’t say for sure, maybe
例句: 這張畫表面上好像很壯麗漂亮,可是實際上山水很寂寞。
Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.

14. 實際上 shí​jì​shàng​ In fact, in reality, as a matter of fact
例句: 這張畫表面上好像很壯麗漂亮,可是實際上山水很寂寞。
Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.

15. 寂寞 jì​mò​ (Adj.) Lonely
例句: 這張畫表面上好像很壯麗漂亮,可是實際上山水很寂寞。
Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.

16. 安靜 ān​jìng​ Quiet, peaceful, calm
例句: 我喜歡安靜的地方,所以這是我向往的。
Example: I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go.

17. 向往 xiàng​wǎng To yearn for, to look forward to
例句: 我喜歡安靜的地方,所以這是我向往的。
Example: I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go.

18. 劃船 huá​chuán​ To row a boat
例句: 你可以在河上劃船,可是要小心瀑布。
Example: You can row a boat on the river, but be careful of the waterfall.


1. 這張畫是什麼樣的畫, 上面有什麼?

What type of painting is this? What is drawn on it?

2. 沈周是誰?他在哪裡出生?

Who is Shen Zhou? Where was he born?

3. 作者為什麼選了這張畫?畫裡的顏色給作者帶來什麼樣的感覺?你同意不同意他的看法?

Why did the author choose this painting? What feelings did the colors of the painting
evoke in the author? Do you agree with his interpretation of the painting?

4. 作者希望他可以住在那裡?在那個地方他想要做什麼?

Where does the author hope to live? What does he want to do at that place?

5. 如果你有機會的話,你想要住在那樣的地方嗎?

If given the opportunity, would you want to live in such a place?


This is an interesting Shen Zhou landscape painting. The painting has two very tall mountains, in addition to a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees. Most of the painting is green and brown, but there is one red tree. The small building is next to the river. The fog separates the mountain top from the bottom.

In 1427, Shen Zhou was born in the Ming Dynasty in the city of Suzhou into a rich family. He is famous for landscape paintings. He believes in Confucius’ teachings, and also believes painting is a form of meditation. Now, most of his paintings are located in Hong Kong. I chose this painting because it is beautiful, the fog around the mountains caught my eye.

On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape. It only has one red tree and one building. If I was in the painting, I would hope to sit and watch the waterfall from the building. I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go. You can row a boat on the river, but be careful of the waterfall.

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