








课文选自听故事,学成语, 95-99(北京语言大学出版社)


1. 边远 biānyuǎn Outlying; in the countryside (adj.)
例句: “塞翁”是住在边远地方的一个老头儿。Example: Sai Weng is an old man who lived in the countryside.
2. 附近 fùjìn Near; nearby (adj.)
例句: 塞翁家在长城附近养了一匹马。

Example: Sai Weng raised a horse at his home near the Great Wall.

3. 安慰 ānwèi Comfort (v.)
例句: 邻居都来安慰他。

Example: The neighbors came to comfort him.

4. 好运 hǎoyùn Good luck (n.)
例句: 这匹马说不定会带来好运呢。

Example: This horse will probably bring back good luck.

5. 道贺 dàohè Congratulate (v.)
例句: 邻居都来给他们道贺。

Example: The neighbors all came to congratulate them.

6. 说不定 shuōbudìng Probably; perhaps; maybe (adv.)
例句: 说不定这马会带来灾祸。Example: This horse will probably bring disaster.
7. 灾祸 zāihuò Disaster (v.)
例句: 说不定这马会带来灾祸。Example: This horse will probably bring disaster.
8. 慰问 wèiwèn Offer condolences; express appreciation (v.)
例句: 邻居又来慰问。Example: The neighbors came to offer condolences.
9. 因祸得福 yīnhuòdéfú Derive gain from misfortune (v.)
例句: 可能会因祸得福呢。Example: Some good fortune will likely come of this disaster.
11. 打仗 dǎzhàng

Fight a war; enlist in the army (v.)

例句: 村里的年轻男人去打仗,都被打死了。Example: All the young men who enlisted in the army died.
12. 灾难 zāinàn Disaster (n.)
例句: 灾难降临了。

Example: A disaster has befallen us.

13. 性命 xìngmìng Life (n.)
例句: 这是性命攸关的大事,你绝不能掉以轻心。Example: It is a matter of life and death. You shouldn’t be careless.
14. 比喻 bǐyù Metaphor (n.)
例句: 人们用“塞翁失马”作比喻。Example: People use the tale of Shi Ma as a metaphor.
15. 暂时 zànshí Temporarily (adv.)
例句: 暂时受到损失。Example: One has temporarily lost something.
16. 损失 sǔnshī Lose (v.)
例句: 暂时受到损失。Example: One has temporarily lost something.



  1. 用自己的话总结一下这个故事

Use your own words to summarize this story.

  1. 用“塞翁失马”造两至三个句子

Make 2-3 sentences using this idiom.

  1. 说说这个故事告诉我们什么样的道理

What is the underlying message of the story?


Sai Weng is an old man who lived in the countryside. Shi Ma is a horse that disappeared.

In ancient times, Sai Weng raised a horse at his home near the Great Wall. On occasion, he used to lead his horse outside to graze. When he wasn’t paying attention, the horse ran away to the place of barbarians. The neighbors came to comfort him. Sai Weng said, “Thank you. However, as I see it, although this horse ran away, he will probably bring back good luck.”

A few months later, as predicted, the horse returned with a mustang. Upon hearing the news, the neighbors all came to congratulate them. Sai Weng told them, “Thank you, but this might not be a good thing. This horse will probably bring disaster.”

Indeed, Sai Weng’s son rode the mustang and fell off and broke his leg. The neighbors came to offer condolences. Sai Weng said, “Thank you for your concern. Although my son broke his leg, some good fortune will likely come of this diaster.”

One year later, the barbarians came to attack the village. All the young men enlisted in the army and died. However, because the son of Sai Weng had broken his leg, he stayed at home and survived.

These days, people use the tale of Shi Ma as a metaphor. Although one has temporarily lost something, later one will gain a benefit.










課文選自聽故事,學成語, 95-99頁(北京語言大學出版社)


1. 邊遠 biānyuǎn Outlying; in the countryside (adj.)
例句: “塞翁”是住在邊遠地方的一個老頭兒。
Example: Sai Weng is an old man who lived in the countryside.

2. 附近 fùjìn Near; nearby (adj.)
例句: 塞翁家在長城附近養了一匹馬。
Example: Sai Weng raised a horse at his home near the Great Wall.

3. 安慰 ānwèi Comfort (v.)
例句: 鄰居都來安慰他。
Example: The neighbors came to comfort him.

4. 好運 hǎoyùn Good luck (n.)
例句: 這匹馬說不定會帶來好運呢。
Example: This horse will probably bring back good luck.

5. 道賀 dàohè Congratulate (v.)
例句: 鄰居都來給他們道賀。
Example: The neighbors all came to congratulate them.

6. 說不定 shuōbudìng Probably; perhaps; maybe (adv.)
例句: 說不定這馬會帶來災禍。
Example: This horse will probably bring disaster.

7. 災禍 zāihuò Disaster (v.)
例句: 說不定這馬會帶來災禍。
Example: This horse will probably bring disaster.

8. 慰問 wèiwèn Offer condolences; express appreciation (v.)
例句: 鄰居又來慰問。
Example: The neighbors came to offer condolences.

9. 因禍得福 yīnhuòdéfú Derive gain from misfortune (v.)
例句: 可能會因禍得福呢。
Example: Some good fortune will likely come of this disaster.

11. 打仗 dǎzhàng
Fight a war; enlist in the army (v.)

例句: 村裡的年輕男人去打仗,都被打死了。
Example: All the young men who enlisted in the army died.

12. 災難 zāinàn Disaster (n.)
例句: 災難降臨了。
Example: A disaster has befallen us.

13. 性命 xìngmìng Life (n.)
例句: 這是性命攸關的大事,你絕不能掉以輕心。
Example: It is a matter of life and death. You shouldn’t be careless.

14. 比喻 bǐyù Metaphor (n.)
例句: 人們用“塞翁失馬”作比喻。
Example: People use the tale of Shi Ma as a metaphor.

15. 暫時 zànshí Temporarily (adv.)
例句: 暫時受到損失。
Example: One has temporarily lost something.

16. 損失 sǔnshī Lose (v.)
例句: 暫時受到損失。
Example: One has temporarily lost something.



Use your own words to summarize this story.

Make 2-3 sentences using this idiom.

What is the underlying message of the story?


Sai Weng is an old man who lived in the countryside. Shi Ma is a horse that disappeared.

In ancient times, Sai Weng raised a horse at his home near the Great Wall. On occasion, he used to lead his horse outside to graze. When he wasn’t paying attention, the horse ran away to the place of barbarians. The neighbors came to comfort him. Sai Weng said, “Thank you. However, as I see it, although this horse ran away, he will probably bring back good luck.”

A few months later, as predicted, the horse returned with a mustang. Upon hearing the news, the neighbors all came to congratulate them. Sai Weng told them, “Thank you, but this might not be a good thing. This horse will probably bring disaster.”

Indeed, Sai Weng’s son rode the mustang and fell off and broke his leg. The neighbors came to offer condolences. Sai Weng said, “Thank you for your concern. Although my son broke his leg, some good fortune will likely come of this diaster.”

One year later, the barbarians came to attack the village. All the young men enlisted in the army and died. However, because the son of Sai Weng had broken his leg, he stayed at home and survived.

These days, people use the tale of Shi Ma as a metaphor. Although one has temporarily lost something, later one will gain a benefit.


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