Animal Reservation



 课文选自中级汉语阅读教程, 140(北京语言大学出版社)


1.节能 jié néng conserve energy (v.)
例句: 有的动物有特殊的节能本领。Example: Some animals are skilled at conserving energy.
2.冬眠 dōng mián hibernation (n.)
例句: 在冬天,许多动物用冬眠、停止活动等方法来降低能量消耗。Example: In the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption.
3.消耗 xiāo hào consumption (n.)
例句: 在冬天,许多动物用冬眠、停止活动等方法来降低能量消耗。Example: In the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption.
4.观望 guān wàng look and see (v.)
例句: 乌龟两年不吃食物,仍然会抬头观望。Example: Turtles that don’t eat for two years can still raise their head to look around.
5.若无其事 ruò wú qí shì as if nothing had happened
例句: 乌龟两年不吃东西还能若无其事。Example: Turtles don’t eat for two years as if nothing had happened.
6.利用 lì yòng make use of (v.)
例句: 蛇是变温动物,它直接利用太阳能,省去一些能量消耗。Example: Snakes make use of solar heat to raise their body temperature and conserve energy.
7.储存 chǔ cún store (v.)
例句: 在冬季到来以前,蛇尽量多吃东西,把能量储存起来。Example: Before winter, snakes eat as much as possible, then remain still while hibernating.


1. 动物的节能本领是怎样的?

How do animals conserve their energy?

2. 蛇如何节省能量?

How do snakes conserve their energy?

3. 蛇在冬天如何节省能量?

How do snakes conserve their energy in the winter?

4. 你知道还有什么动物/植物,牠们有节能的本领?

Do you know other animals or plants that can conserve their own energy?


Animals and Energy Conservation

Some animals are skilled at conserving energy. For example, in the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption. Turtles that don’t eat for two years can still raise their head to look around. Crocodiles that don’t drink any water for 700 days can still walk freely. Frogs that don’t drink or eat for 400 days can still live. Snakes make use of solar heat to raise their body temperature and conserve energy. Before winter, snakes eat as much as possible, then remain still while hibernating. After 150 days of hibernation, their weight decreases by only two percent.



課文選自中級漢語閱讀教程, 140頁(北京語言大學出版社)


1.節能 jié néng conserve energy (v.)
例句: 有的動物有特殊的節能本領。
Example: Some animals are skilled at conserving energy.

2.冬眠 dōng mián hibernation (n.)
例句: 在冬天,許多動物用冬眠、停止活動等方法來降低能量消耗。
Example: In the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption.

3.消耗 xiāo hào consumption (n.)
例句: 在冬天,許多動物用冬眠、停止活動等方法來降低能量消耗。
Example: In the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption.

4.觀望 guān wàng look and see (v.)
例句: 烏龜兩年不吃食物,仍然會抬頭觀望。
Example: Turtles that don’t eat for two years can still raise their head to look around.

5.若無其事 ruò wú qí shì as if nothing had happened
例句: 烏龜兩年不吃東西還能若無其事。
Example: Turtles don’t eat for two years as if nothing had happened.

6.利用 lì yòng make use of (v.)
例句: 蛇是變溫動物,它直接利用太陽能,省去一些能量消耗。
Example: Snakes make use of solar heat to raise their body temperature and conserve energy.

7.儲存 chǔ cún store (v.)
例句: 在冬季到來以前,蛇盡量多吃東西,把能量儲存起來。
Example: Before winter, snakes eat as much as possible, then remain still while hibernating.


1. 動物的節能本領是怎樣的?

How do animals conserve their energy?

2. 蛇如何節省能量?

How do snakes conserve their energy?

3. 蛇在冬天如何節省能量?

How do snakes conserve their energy in the winter?

4. 你知道還有什麼動物/植物,牠們有節能的本領?

Do you know other animals or plants that can conserve their own energy?


Animals and Energy Conservation

Some animals are skilled at conserving energy. For example, in the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption. Turtles that don’t eat for two years can still raise their head to look around. Crocodiles that don’t drink any water for 700 days can still walk freely. Frogs that don’t drink or eat for 400 days can still live. Snakes make use of solar heat to raise their body temperature and conserve energy. Before winter, snakes eat as much as possible, then remain still while hibernating. After 150 days of hibernation, their weight decreases by only two percent.

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