Edible Plants




 课文选自中级汉语阅读教程, 114(北京语言大学出版社)



1.可食 kě shí edible (adj.)
例句: 陈先生研制出了可食餐具。

Example: Mr. Chen researched and created edible plates and bowls.

2.盛 chéng to fill, hold (v.)
例句: 顾客吃光食品以后,还可以吃掉自己面前盛食物的盘子。

Example: After finishing the food, customers can also eat the plates used to hold the food.

3.燕麦 yàn mài oats (n.)
例句: 这种可以食用的盘子是用燕麦制作的富有营养的一次性餐具。

Example: These edible plates are one-time use items made from nutritious oatmeal.

4.制作 zhì zuò to make (v.)
例句: 可食餐具是用燕麦制作的。

Example: The edible plates are made of oats.

5.企业家 qǐ yè jiā entrepreneur (n.)
例句: 它的发明者是台湾企业家陈良烈先生。

Example: The inventor of these plates is a Taiwanese entrepreneur named Chen Liang Lie.

6.研制 yán zhì to research and create (v.)

Example: Mr. Chen invested $1.5 million in researching and creating edible plates and bowls.

7.销售 xiāo shòu to sell (v.)
例句: 现在他的公司每天销售四万只这种粮食制作的盘子和钵子。

Example: Now, his company sells 40,000 plates and bowls made of grain per day.

8.粮食 liáng shi grain (n.)
例句: 现在他的公司每天销售四万只这种粮食制作的盘子和钵子。

Example: Now, his company sells 40,000 plates and bowls made of grain per day.

9.钵子 bō zǐ  bowl (n.)
例句: 陈先生的钵子和盘子非常受欢迎。

Example: Mr. Chen’s bowls and plates are very popular.

10.营养 yíng yǎng nutrition (n.)
例句: 陈先生认为他所发明的一次性可食餐具营养丰富。

Example: Mr. Chen considers that his one-time use edible plates and bowls are full of nutrition.


1. 顾客为什么可以吃掉盘子?

Why could the customers eat the plates?

2. 陈先生研制可食餐具的投入是多少?现在销售如何?

How much did Mr. Chen invest in researching and creating the edible plates? How are the sales now?

3. 可食餐具有哪些优点 ?

What are the strengths of the edible plates?

4. 你知道还有什么发明对周围环境有帮助?

Do you know other discoveries that help the environment?


Edible Plates and Bowls

In some restaurants and coffee shops in Taiwan, customers can eat their plates. These edible plates are one-time use items made from nutritious oatmeal.

The inventor of these plates is a Taiwanese businessman named Chen Liang Lie.  Mr. Chen is 50 years old. He invested NT$1.5 million in researching and creating edible plates and bowls. His work eventually paid off. Now, his company sells NT$40,000 worth of plates and bowls per day. Individual plates and bowls go for 7 cents a piece. Mr. Chen’s nutritious inventions also meet hygienic standards. At the same time, they cause no harm to the environment. This kind of invention boasts certain strengths that other tableware lacks.


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