Light Out Emory


Emory CHN 401

张雅涵Angela Ya-Han Chang &王悦Selina Yue Wang


















雅涵:嗯,EMORY还有许多楼房都采用了环保措施。像是商学院的教学楼和数学科技楼内都装有红外感应气, 可以在无人时自动关灯。另外,还有很多其他建筑上还运用了大型天窗,以增加采光,减少需要开灯的时间。









1. 关灯

guān dēng

to switch off the light (v.)


Switching off the light on the way out is a good habit.

2. 仪式

yí shì

ceremony  (n.)

Every year, Emory prepares a school opening ceremony for the freshmen.

3. 节省

jié shěng

to save/reduce  (v.)


We can help to save electricity by opening the windows, and using less air conditioning.

4. 能源

néng yuán

power resources  (n.)


Electricity is one of the most important power resources.

5. 监控器

jiān kòng qì

monitor  (n.)

We can control the usage of power resources with the use of a monitor.

6. 显示

xiǎn shì

to show/to display  (v.)


The television is showing the beautiful scenery of China.

7. 取暖

qǔ nuǎn

to heat/ to get warm  (v.)

During the winter, two people can cuddle together to get warm.

8. 制冷

zhì lěng

 to cool (v.)


Air condition has the function of cooling

9. 用量

yòng liàng

instructions (n.)


When taking pills, we must follow the usage instructions given by the doctor’s prescription.

10. 酷

cool!  (interjection)


“Cool!”  He was able to learn Chinese this well in half a year!

11. 节约

jié yuē

to. save energy


I think Emory is doing really well to save energy at most places.

12. 呼吁

hū yù

to appeal/to ask everyone to


The Health Administrative Office tells everyone to prevent H1N1 flu.

13. 插头

chā tóu

plug  (n.)


Do not unplug the plug when your hands are wet, to avoid getting an electric shock.

14. 海报

hǎi bào

posters  (n.)


During the election period, the posters that are publicizing the candidates are everywhere.

15. 缺水

quē shuǐ

drought/lack of water (n.)


Due to the drought, Georgia prohibits residents from washing their cars.

16. 水力发电

shuǐ lì fā diàn

hydraulic generation (n.)


Hydraulic generation of electricity is one of Georgia’s main power resources.

17. 缩短

suō duǎn

to shorten  (v.)


In order to shorten the time for studying, we shouldn’t do two things at a time when studying.

18. 宣传

xuān chuán

to publicize (v.)


With everyone’s help publicizing it, the performance this time was extremely successful.

19. 意识

yì shi

consciousness (n.)


We all should have the consciousness that resources are limited.

20. 天然气

tiān rán qì

natural gas  (n.)


Emory’s Shuttle buses use natural gas.

21. 红外感应器

hóng wài gǎn yìng qì

infrared sensor (n.)


Emory uses infrared sensors in the bathrooms to switch the lights on and off.

22. 自动

zì dòng



Nowadays, automobiles lock themselves automatically.

23. 大型天窗 dà xíng tiān chuāng

skylights  (n.)


The Business school uses huge skylights.

24. 采光

cǎi guāng

to absorb sunlight (v.)


Nowadays, good building architecture focuses on the ability to absorb sunlight.   

24. 教育

jiào yù

education  (n.)


We came to Emory for a good education.

25. 改进

gǎi jìn

to improve  (v.)


Failure means that we still have room to improve ourselves.

26. 危机

wēi jī

crisis  (n.)


When we encounter a crisis, we need to calm down in order to figure out a way to fix things.

27. 实际

shí jì

actual, real  (adj.)


No matter how good the plan is, actual actions are always required; saying and not doing is never enough.

  Discussion questions:

1. 你们觉得EMORY最浪费的是哪一种资源?为什么?

Which kind of energy has been wasted most at Emory?

2. 除了文章中提到的,EMORY还有哪些地方可以看到能源节约?

Besides things the authors’ mention, what energy conservation have you seen at the Emory?

3. 你们觉得EMORY现在的能源节约工作和两年前有什么不一样?(This script was written in 2008) 进步?退步?

Comparing what authors’ said, do you feel Emory’s energy conservation has been moving forward or going backward? (This script was written in 2008.)

4. 你们觉得EMORY的能源节约做得怎么样?还有什么要改进的地方?

What do you think of Emory’s energy conservation? Is anything can be improved?

5. 请具体讨论要如何在校园内提倡能源节约以及增强学生们的环保意识。

Please give examples for promoting energy conservation on the campus in order to increase students’ environmental awareness.


            (Phone rings)

Angela: Hello?

Selina: Hello? Hey! What are you up to right now?

Angela: I’m doing my homework right now.

Selina:  OK, OK!  I’m just calling to remind you to switch off the lights at 9pm.

Angela: 9pm? Why?

Selina: Don’t you remember? Tonight we have an event called “Lights Out Emory”, all places on campus have to switch the lights off for half an hour.

Angela: Oh yeah! It’s for the arrival of Dalai Lama! Do you know how much the electricity Emory will save tonight if the whole campus does “lights out”  for half an hour?

Selina: I’m not too sure, but if all the dorms and buildings have an energy console like the New Turman dorm, then we will be able to find out.

Angela: I’ve seen that energy console; it does not only shows how much electricity we used, it also tells us how much we spent on the heating and cooling systems.

Selina: That’s cool! Do you know? Emory also has a competition on energy conservation for dorms. In this Residence Hall Energy Competition, the Office of Sustainability Initiatives at Emory asks the students to switch off all the unnecessary electricity and unplug all electronics.

Angela: Speaking of energy consumption, I just thought of the posters I saw about water saving!

Selina: Yeah, Georgia is having a drought right now. And water is where most of the energy comes from in Georgia; therefore saving water is important!

Angela: Those posters I saw ask students to shorten the time they use to take showers to less than five minutes, in order to save water!

Selina: Are you serious? But… is this something that everyone is able to do?

Angela: Well… I think it will be difficult at first. However, if Emory University can promote energy saving, people will be more aware of the energy crisis. Then it won’t be that hard to achieve later in the future.

Selina: Yeah, I think you’re right! I think Emory is doing really well to save energy at most places, so for example the shuttle buses, instead of using gasoline, they utilize natural gas. Protect the environment and save energy!

Angela: Yup! Emory also has many Green Buildings that help saving energy, such as the Business School building and the Math and Science Building. They both have infrared detectors within the buildings, so that when no one is in the classroom the lights will be automatically switched off. Also the big roofs and windows made of glass in the buildings help absorb sunlight, and thus reduce the time we need to use light.

Selina: Wow, I didn’t know there were so many facilities and equipment they use at Emory to save energy! Do you think there is room for improvement?

Angela: Yes, if Emory wants to continue to save energy, then we have to start from personal education. If everyone knows that the world is short of energy, then they will start to be aware of the importance of saving energy in our daily lives.

Selina: I think besides educating people, everyone also needs to actually do things to save energy, not just say it and not do it!

Angela: Oh no! It’s almost 9! We’ve been on the phone for too long! I haven’t even finished my homework.

Selina: Oops! OK! Go finish your homework now. Don’t forget the Lights Out at 9!

Angela: Bye.


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