Animal Protection – Panda



Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding













 问题 Questions:

(If you want to practice listening comprehension quickly, please read the English version of the questions at the end of this document.)

 1.      成都大熊猫基地培育出了多少只大熊猫?

a)        124

b)        88

c)        83

 2.      团团圆圆被送到了哪里?

a)        成都

b)        纽约

c)        台湾

 3.      一下几个选项中那个是正确的

a)        团团圆圆不喜欢与人接触

b)        团团圆圆性格活泼

c)        团团圆圆被送到了不同的地方

 4.      团团圆圆是什么的象征?

a)        友谊

b)        爱情

c)        熊猫

 5.      成都熊猫基地通过什么方式宣传大熊猫领养事宜?

a)        海报

b)        网络

c)        电话

 6.      一下几个选项中那个是正确的

a)        社会各界对大熊猫领养事宜不是很积极

b)        已经有20多只大熊猫被领养了

c)        被领养的大熊猫成活几率不大

 7.      大熊猫的故乡在哪儿?

a)        北京

b)        上海

c)        四川

 8.      成都大熊猫基地在招募暑期志愿者,一下几个选项中那个是正确的

a)        在全世界招募暑期志愿者

b)        志愿者要会说流利的英语

c)        志愿者要会说流利的中文

9.      为什么要保护大熊猫?

a)        他们濒临灭绝

b)        他们很可爱

c)        很多人想领养他们

 10.  成都大熊猫基地的最终目的是什么?

a)        将大熊猫送回大自然

b)        培育出越来越多的大熊猫

c)        让人们领养大熊猫

 问题讨论(Discussion Questions







1.繁育 fányù To breed (v.)
例句: 周女士院负责繁育大熊猫工作。Example: Ms. Zhou is in charge of breeding giant pandas.
2.人工 réngōnɡ Artificial; man-made (adj.)
例句: 这片森林是人工的。Example: This forest is man-made.
3.种群 zhǒngqún Population (n.)
例句: 这个大熊猫种群正在面临灭绝的危险。Example: This giant panda population is in danger of extinction.
4.挑选 tiāoxuǎn To choose (v.)
例句: 她在挑选给男朋友的合适的礼物。Example: She is choosing an appropriate gift for her boyfriend.
5.象征 Xiàngzhēng Symbol (n.)
例句: 这是我们友谊的象征。Example: This is the symbol of our friendship.
6.动物园 dòngwùyuán Zoo (n.)
例句: 小红每个月都去动物园喂山羊。Example: Xiao Hong goes to the zoo every month to feed the goats.
7.有幸 yǒuxìng Be lucky to (adj.)
例句: 我有幸目睹了奥运会开幕式。Example: I am lucky to have witnessed the opening ceremony of the Olympic.
8. 活泼 huópō Vivid (adj.)
例句: 他从小就非常活泼。Example: He has been very active since he was young.
9.朝夕相处 zhāoxīxiānɡchǔ To be together morning and night; to be closely associated (adj.)
例句: 他们每天朝夕相处。Example: They are together every day.
10.纷纷 fēnfēn In succession; one after another (adj.)
例句: 秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉了下来。Example: Leaves fall off the trees in autumn.
11.档案 dàngàn archives (n.)
例句: 他的实习很无聊,每天都在整理档案。Example: His internship is pretty boring – arranging the files everyday.
12.宣传 xuānchuán publicize (v.); publicity (n.)
例句: 他们极力宣传这个产品。Example: They try very hard to publicize this product.
13.社会各界 shèhuìgèjiè Public; all of the society (n.)
例句: 这个产品收到了社会各界的好评。Example: This product received favorable public response.
14.越来越多 yuèláiyuèduō More and more (adj.)
例句: 越来越多的中国学生来美国留学。Example: There are more and more Chinese students coming to the United States for education.
15.国宝 guóbǎo National treasure (n.)
例句: 熊猫是中国的国宝。Example: The giant panda is the national treasure of China.
16.招募 zhāomù To recruit (v.)
例句: 这个公司只招募研究生。Example: This company only recruits graduate students.
17.跃跃欲试 yuèyuèyùshì Itching to try (adj.)
例句: 这道菜很诱人,他跃跃欲试了。Example: He is itching to try this tempting dish.
18.耐心 nàixīn Patience (n.)
例句: 好的老师需要有足够的耐心。Example: A good teacher needs enough patience.
19.成果 chénɡɡuǒ Achievement (n.)
例句: 他的科研成果得到了诺贝尔奖。Example: His scientific achievements received the Nobel prize.

 English Translation of the multiple choice questions

1.      How many giant pandas have been raised by Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding?

a)      124

b)      88

c)      83

 2.      To where have Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan been sent?

a)      Chengdu

b)      New York

c)      Taiwan

 3.      Which of the following is correct?

a)      Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan do not like to interact with people

b)      Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan are very vivid

c)      Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan have been sent to different places

 4.      What are Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan symbolizing for?

a)      Friendship          

b)      Love

c)      Giant panda

 5.      What kind of method does Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding use to publicize its giant panda adoption?

a)      Poster   

b)      Internet

c)      Phone

 6.      Which of the following is correct?

a)      There is not much response by the public for giant panda adoption

b)      More than 20 giant pandas have been adopted

c)      The survival rate of adopted giant pandas is very low

 7.      What is the hometown of the giant panda?

a)      Beijing

b)      Shanghai

c)      Sichuan

 8.      Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is recruiting summer volunteers. Which of the following is correct?

a)      They are recruiting from the whole world

b)      The volunteers must speak fluent English

c)      The volunteers must speak fluent Chinese

 9.      Why we need to protect the giant pandas?

a)      They are in danger of extinction

b)      The are very lovely

c)      More and more people want to adopt them.

 10.  What is the ultimate goal of Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding?

a)      To free the giant pandas to the nature

b)      To raise more and more giant pandas

c)      To make more people adopt giant pandas

 Answer Key





Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding


























問題 Questions:


(If you want to practice listening comprehension quickly, please read the English version of the questions at the end of this document.)


1. 成都大熊貓基地培育出了多少隻大熊貓?


a) 124


b) 88


c) 83


2. 團團圓圓被送到了哪裡?


a) 成都


b) 紐約


c) 台灣


3. 一下幾個選項中那個是正確的?


a) 團團圓圓不喜歡與人接觸


b) 團團圓圓性格活潑


c) 團團圓圓被送到了不同的地方


4. 團團圓圓是什麼的象征?


a) 友誼


b) 愛情


c) 熊貓


5. 成都熊貓基地通過什麼方式宣傳大熊貓領養事宜?


a) 海報


b) 網絡


c) 電話


6. 一下幾個選項中那個是正確的?


a) 社會各界對大熊貓領養事宜不是很積極


b) 已經有20多隻大熊貓被領養了


c) 被領養的大熊貓成活幾率不大


7. 大熊貓的故鄉在哪兒?


a) 北京


b) 上海


c) 四川


8. 成都大熊貓基地在招募暑期志願者,一下幾個選項中那個是正確的


a) 在全世界招募暑期志願者


b) 志願者要會說流利的英語


c) 志願者要會說流利的中文


9. 為什麼要保護大熊貓?


a) 他們瀕臨滅絕


b) 他們很可愛


c) 很多人想領養他們


10. 成都大熊貓基地的最終目的是什麼?


a) 將大熊貓送回大自然


b) 培育出越來越多的大熊貓


c) 讓人們領養大熊貓


問題討論(Discussion Questions)














1.繁育 fányù To breed (v.)
例句: 周女士院負責繁育大熊貓工作。Example: Ms. Zhou is in charge of breeding giant pandas.
2.人工 réngōnɡ Artificial; man-made (adj.)
例句: 這片森林是人工的。Example: This forest is man-made.
3.種群 zhǒngqún Population (n.)
例句: 這個大熊貓種群正在面臨滅絕的危險。Example: This giant panda population is in danger of extinction.
4.挑選 tiāoxuǎn To choose (v.)
例句: 她在挑選給男朋友的合適的禮物。Example: She is choosing an appropriate gift for her boyfriend.
5.象征 Xiàngzhēng Symbol (n.)
例句: 這是我們友誼的象征。Example: This is the symbol of our friendship.
6.動物園 dòngwùyuán Zoo (n.)
例句: 小紅每個月都去動物園喂山羊。Example: Xiao Hong goes to the zoo every month to feed the goats.
7.有幸 yǒuxìng Be lucky to (adj.)
例句: 我有幸目睹了奧運會開幕式。Example: I am lucky to have witnessed the opening ceremony of the Olympic.
8. 活潑 huópō Vivid (adj.)
例句: 他從小就非常活潑。Example: He has been very active since he was young.
9.朝夕相處 zhāoxīxiānɡchǔ To be together morning and night; to be closely associated (adj.)
例句: 他們每天朝夕相處。Example: They are together every day.
10.紛紛 fēnfēn In succession; one after another (adj.)
例句: 秋天,樹葉紛紛從樹上掉了下來。Example: Leaves fall off the trees in autumn.
11.檔案 dàngàn archives (n.)
例句: 他的實習很無聊,每天都在整理檔案。Example: His internship is pretty boring – arranging the files everyday.
12.宣傳 xuānchuán publicize (v.); publicity (n.)
例句: 他們極力宣傳這個產品。Example: They try very hard to publicize this product.
13.社會各界 shèhuìgèjiè Public; all of the society (n.)
例句: 這個產品收到了社會各界的好評。Example: This product received favorable public response.
14.越來越多 yuèláiyuèduō More and more (adj.)
例句: 越來越多的中國學生來美國留學。Example: There are more and more Chinese students coming to the United States for education.
15.國寶 guóbǎo National treasure (n.)
例句: 熊貓是中國的國寶。Example: The giant panda is the national treasure of China.
16.招募 zhāomù To recruit (v.)
例句: 這個公司隻招募研究生。Example: This company only recruits graduate students.
17.躍躍欲試 yuèyuèyùshì Itching to try (adj.)
例句: 這道菜很誘人,他躍躍欲試了。Example: He is itching to try this tempting dish.
18.耐心 nàixīn Patience (n.)
例句: 好的老師需要有足夠的耐心。Example: A good teacher needs enough patience.
19.成果 chénɡɡuǒ Achievement (n.)
例句: 他的科研成果得到了諾貝爾獎。Example: His scientific achievements received the Nobel prize.
English Translation of the multiple choice questions


1. How many giant pandas have been raised by Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding?


a) 124


b) 88


c) 83


2. To where have Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan been sent?


a) Chengdu


b) New York


c) Taiwan


3. Which of the following is correct?


a) Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan do not like to interact with people


b) Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan are very vivid


c) Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan have been sent to different places


4. What are Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan symbolizing for?


a) Friendship


b) Love


c) Giant panda


5. What kind of method does Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding use to publicize its giant panda adoption?


a) Poster


b) Internet


c) Phone


6. Which of the following is correct?


a) There is not much response by the public for giant panda adoption


b) More than 20 giant pandas have been adopted


c) The survival rate of adopted giant pandas is very low


7. What is the hometown of the giant panda?


a) Beijing


b) Shanghai


c) Sichuan


8. Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is recruiting summer volunteers. Which of the following is correct?


a) They are recruiting from the whole world


b) The volunteers must speak fluent English


c) The volunteers must speak fluent Chinese


9. Why we need to protect the giant pandas?


a) They are in danger of extinction


b) The are very lovely


c) More and more people want to adopt them.


10. What is the ultimate goal of Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding?


a) To free the giant pandas to the nature


b) To raise more and more giant pandas


c) To make more people adopt giant pandas


Answer Key





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