Chen Qiuyang


这幅画是叫百骏图。这幅画是郎世宁画出来的。郎世宁是在清代时期的一个画家。本油画,813厘米长,102厘米宽,包括100匹各种各样的马。在这幅画里面的马都不是一样的。他们有的跪,有的站立,有的进食,有的则在草原上行走 。他们有独居的也有成群的。虽然用(you missed something here?)而不是用毛笔钢笔来绘图,画法几乎完全是欧洲的方式。代表景观是采用西式的角度来看的,数字往往经过大幅透视后缩短。人在这幅画也做了很多东西。他们或是在水里面游泳,或是坐在马上, 或是在土地上唱歌。

我很喜欢这幅画。 因为看这幅画让我很高兴。我出生的生肖动物是马,所以我觉得能画很多的马很好看。我小的时候,我爸爸和我妈妈在我的房子里面了放了两幅关于马的画。所以我长大的时候我每天都看那两幅画。我每次画画的时候我都画马。所以我现在一看见关于马的一幅画我就觉得很高兴。

Christine Chiang

这幅画叫三马图,因为画上有三匹马在跑来跑去。 画里只有马,我们看不出马什在哪里跑。我特别喜欢艺术家的看法。他把三匹马用不同的颜色。有一匹是白色的,黑色的,还有咖啡色的。这三匹马代表一个家庭, 因为徐悲鸿在画这个画的时候他刚生了一个孩子。

这幅画很有意思,因为这个艺术家平常会用水墨画来画画,可是这幅画是用水彩。我觉得用水彩来画那些马, 马有更多活力,因为有颜色还有画的方法让马更像真的。

徐悲鸿很有名, 他专门结合现代艺术和传统绘画。我选这幅画, 因为我以前有骑过马,马是我最爱的动。



This painting is called “Three Galloping Horses” which is the focus of this painting.  I like how the artist chose to make each horse a different color.  The artist focuses mainly on the horses and not the actual background of where the horses are.  This made me focus on the juxtaposition of the horses and how they are moving.   You can tell that they are moving because of the way their legs are positioned and how their manes are flying out behind them.  The artist shows us three differently colored horses: one black, one white, and one brown.  They represent a family because during this time the artist recently had a son, and thus embodied his excitement in this painting.

This painting is especially special because Xu Beihong is more known for his ink paintings, but this was done in watercolor. I feel that the watercolor gives the horses more life because of the coloration and the brush strokes he used to create dimension with.

Xu Beihong is known as the father of modern Chinese painting.  He focused on painting mainly horses and birds.  He became famous for his combination of classical Chinese painting with a more western outlook.  I picked this painting because I used to go horseback riding, and horses are my favorite animals. In this painting they represent freedom, strength, and graceful elegance.

If I were in the painting, I would see endless fields of grass, hear the sound of horses galloping, and feel the wind gently blowing.  I feel that Xu Beihong wanted to express his happiness in this painting.