Letter to a High School


Emory CHN302

陈美君 (Meei Jiun Chan)












词汇 Vocabulary:


chí xù

sustained, continuous (adj.)

例句: 中国的持续发展使自然环境面临强大的威胁与挑战。

Example:   China’s sustained development causes the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges.


fā zhǎn

development (n.)

例句: 中国的持续发展使自然环境面临强大的威胁与挑战。

Example:   China’s sustained development causes the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges.


wēi xié

threat (n.)


Example:   China’s sustained development causes the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges.


tiǎo zhàn

challenge (n.)

例句: 中国的持续发展使自然环境面临强大的威胁与挑战。

Example:   China’s sustained development causes the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges.


diào chá

survey, investigation (n.)

例句: 在一项国家污染调查中,全球25个环境污染最为严重的城市,其中有17个城市在中国。

Example: In a national survey regarding pollution, 17 of the 25 most polluted cities in the world are in China.


biāo zhǔn

standard (n.)

例句: 每年还有约三十万人死于超出法律标准的空气污染。

Example: About 30 million people die of air pollution that exceeds the legal standard each year


èr yǎng huà tàn

carbon dioxide (n.)

例句: 研究人员认为中国的二氧化碳排放量估计在2009年就会超过美国的排放量。

Example: Researchers believed that China’s carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 would exceed the  U.S.’s level of emissions.


pái fàng liàng

emission(s) (n.)


Example:Researchers believed that China’s carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 would exceed the U.S.’s level of emissions.


jiàng dī

to reduce (v.)

例句: 我们要减少二氧化碳的排放量,来降低空气污染。

Example:We should reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to reduce air pollution.


shū hū

to neglect (v.)

例句: 校外的环境当然也不能疏忽。

Example: The environment outside our campus cannot be neglected.


zāi zhòng

to plant (v.)

例句: 学校可以举办在城里或郊区栽种树木。

Example:The school could organize activities such as planting trees.


sù liào

plastic bottle (n.)

例句: 学校可以举办在城里或郊区栽种树木,向大众宣传使用购物袋,去住宅区里收集塑胶罐等等的活动。

Example: The school could organize activities such as planting trees and publicize the idea of using shopping bags or collecting plastic bottles, etc.


jīng shén

spirit (n.)

例句: 这些校外活动,一方面能提升同学们的环保精神,另一方面还能提醒环境保护意识差的人该怎么做。

Example: On the one hand, these activities can enhance students’ spirit through environmental protection. On the other hand, they can also remind those people with poor awareness of environmental protection what they should do to help the environment.


yì shi

awareness (n.)

例句: 这些校外活动,一方面能提升同学们的环保精神,另一方面还能提醒环境保护意识差的人该怎么做。

Example: On the one hand, these activities can enhance students’ spirit through environmental protection. On the other hand, they can also remind those people with poor awareness of environmental protection what they should do to help the environment.


tóng xīn xié lì

to work together (in one direction) (v.)

例句: 只要大家同心协力,就一定能为地球创造出更美好的明天。

Example:As long as we work together, we will be able to create a better tomorrow.


chuàng zào

to create (v.)

例句: 只要大家同心协力,就一定能为地球创造出更美好的明天。

Example: As long as we work together, we will be able to create a better tomorrow.





1.      中国面临什么样的污染问题

What environmental problems does China have?


2.      根据作者的建议,我们如何可以轻松地保护环境?

According to the author’s suggestions, what are the small things that we can do to protect the environment?


3.      校外可以组织什么样的环保活动?

What are some environmental activities that could be done outside of school?


     4. 如果你是一位小学校长,你会怎么带领学生做环境保护的事情?

If you were the Principal of an elementary school, how will you lead students to do environmental protection work?





Q027webA letter to Wanke Secondary School

Dear teachers and students:

   China’s sustained development is causing the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges. In a national survey regarding pollution, 17 of the 25 most polluted cities in the world are in China. In addition, more than 300 million people in China have no clean drinking water resources.  Furthermore, about 30 million people die of air pollution each year. Researchers believed that China’s carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 would exceed the U.S.’s level of emissions and the cost of environmental clean-up would reach 130 billion dollars!

As the level of pollution continues to escalate, we need everyone in Wanke Secondary School to work together in order to save our planet. In fact, we just need everyone to start with five small things that will allow each of you to protect the environment easily.

  First, we should conserve as much electricity as possible. As everyone knows, large-scale power plants create serious air pollution. Therefore, in schools we should try to limit the usage of air-conditioners. When there is no one in the classroom, we should get into the habit of conserving energy by turning off the lights. Second, we can save water by collecting and reusing rainwater. After a storm, rain water can be used for cleaning or irrigating plants.

Next, we should reduce the usage of disposable products, because using these products is a waste of resources. Therefore, students and teachers should bring their own cups and utensils to the school. Garbage classification is also very important. In order to encourage students to classify their trash, students can design their own trash collectors that are more convenient for everyone to complete this task. Garbage classification should be especially important for the most common garbage in school, such as plastic bottles, paper, and food waste. Finally, we should reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to reduce air pollution. We could try to drive less and use the subway or public bus instead.

Doing a good job on environmental protection within the school is not enough, since we should also be concerned about the environment outside our campus. We cannot be negligent. The school could organize activities such as planting treesand publicize the idea of using shopping bags or collecting plastic cans, etc. from residential districts. On the one hand, these activities can enhance students’ spirit through environmental protection. On the other hand, they can also remind those people with poor awareness of environmental protection what they should do to help the environment.

In short, it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the Earth. Today, the Earth is facing the crisis of global warming; hence we should try our best to protect of our only planet. As the saying goes, “The more people, the greater the strength; the more wood, the higher the flame”. As long as we work together, we will be able to create a better tomorrow.

                                                                                                                Your Principal,

                                                                                                                Zhang Zhencong



Emory CHN302

陳美君 (Meei Jiun Chan)










詞匯 Vocabulary:


chí xù

sustained, continuous (adj.)

例句: 中國的持續發展使自然環境面臨強大的威脅與挑戰。

Example: China’s sustained development causes the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges.


fā zhǎn

development (n.)

例句: 中國的持續發展使自然環境面臨強大的威脅與挑戰。

Example: China’s sustained development causes the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges.


wēi xié

threat (n.)


Example: China’s sustained development causes the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges.


tiǎo zhàn

challenge (n.)

例句: 中國的持續發展使自然環境面臨強大的威脅與挑戰。

Example: China’s sustained development causes the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges.


diào chá

survey, investigation (n.)

例句: 在一項國家污染調查中,全球25個環境污染最為嚴重的城市,其中有17個城市在中國。

Example: In a national survey regarding pollution, 17 of the 25 most polluted cities in the world are in China.


biāo zhǔn

standard (n.)

例句: 每年還有約三十萬人死於超出法律標准的空氣污染。

Example: About 30 million people die of air pollution that exceeds the legal standard each year


èr yǎng huà tàn

carbon dioxide (n.)

例句: 研究人員認為中國的二氧化碳排放量估計在2009年就會超過美國的排放量。

Example: Researchers believed that China’s carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 would exceed the U.S.’s level of emissions.


pái fàng liàng

emission(s) (n.)


Example:Researchers believed that China’s carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 would exceed the U.S.’s level of emissions.


jiàng dī

to reduce (v.)

例句: 我們要減少二氧化碳的排放量,來降低空氣污染。

Example:We should reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to reduce air pollution.


shū hū

to neglect (v.)

例句: 校外的環境當然也不能疏忽。

Example: The environment outside our campus cannot be neglected.


zāi zhòng

to plant (v.)

例句: 學校可以舉辦在城裡或郊區栽種樹木。

Example:The school could organize activities such as planting trees.


sù liào

plastic bottle (n.)

例句: 學校可以舉辦在城裡或郊區栽種樹木,向大眾宣傳使用購物袋,去住宅區裡收集塑膠罐等等的活動。

Example: The school could organize activities such as planting trees and publicize the idea of using shopping bags or collecting plastic bottles, etc.


jīng shén

spirit (n.)

例句: 這些校外活動,一方面能提升同學們的環保精神,另一方面還能提醒環境保護意識差的人該怎麼做。

Example: On the one hand, these activities can enhance students’ spirit through environmental protection. On the other hand, they can also remind those people with poor awareness of environmental protection what they should do to help the environment.


yì shi

awareness (n.)

例句: 這些校外活動,一方面能提升同學們的環保精神,另一方面還能提醒環境保護意識差的人該怎麼做。

Example: On the one hand, these activities can enhance students’ spirit through environmental protection. On the other hand, they can also remind those people with poor awareness of environmental protection what they should do to help the environment.


tóng xīn xié lì

to work together (in one direction) (v.)

例句: 隻要大家同心協力,就一定能為地球創造出更美好的明天。

Example:As long as we work together, we will be able to create a better tomorrow.


chuàng zào

to create (v.)

例句: 隻要大家同心協力,就一定能為地球創造出更美好的明天。

Example: As long as we work together, we will be able to create a better tomorrow.


1. 中國面臨什麼樣的污染問題?
What environmental problems does China have?

2. 根據作者的建議,我們如何可以輕鬆地保護環境?
According to the author’s suggestions, what are the small things that we can do to protect the environment?

3. 校外可以組織什麼樣的環保活動?
What are some environmental activities that could be done outside of school?

4. 如果你是一位小學校長,你會怎麼帶領學生做環境保護的事情?
If you were the Principal of an elementary school, how will you lead students to do environmental protection work?


Q027webA letter to Wanke Secondary School

Dear teachers and students:

China’s sustained development is causing the natural environment to face strong threats and challenges. In a national survey regarding pollution, 17 of the 25 most polluted cities in the world are in China. In addition, more than 300 million people in China have no clean drinking water resources. Furthermore, about 30 million people die of air pollution each year. Researchers believed that China’s carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 would exceed the U.S.’s level of emissions and the cost of environmental clean-up would reach 130 billion dollars!

As the level of pollution continues to escalate, we need everyone in Wanke Secondary School to work together in order to save our planet. In fact, we just need everyone to start with five small things that will allow each of you to protect the environment easily.

First, we should conserve as much electricity as possible. As everyone knows, large-scale power plants create serious air pollution. Therefore, in schools we should try to limit the usage of air-conditioners. When there is no one in the classroom, we should get into the habit of conserving energy by turning off the lights. Second, we can save water by collecting and reusing rainwater. After a storm, rain water can be used for cleaning or irrigating plants.

Next, we should reduce the usage of disposable products, because using these products is a waste of resources. Therefore, students and teachers should bring their own cups and utensils to the school. Garbage classification is also very important. In order to encourage students to classify their trash, students can design their own trash collectors that are more convenient for everyone to complete this task. Garbage classification should be especially important for the most common garbage in school, such as plastic bottles, paper, and food waste. Finally, we should reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to reduce air pollution. We could try to drive less and use the subway or public bus instead.

Doing a good job on environmental protection within the school is not enough, since we should also be concerned about the environment outside our campus. We cannot be negligent. The school could organize activities such as planting treesand publicize the idea of using shopping bags or collecting plastic cans, etc. from residential districts. On the one hand, these activities can enhance students’ spirit through environmental protection. On the other hand, they can also remind those people with poor awareness of environmental protection what they should do to help the environment.

In short, it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the Earth. Today, the Earth is facing the crisis of global warming; hence we should try our best to protect of our only planet. As the saying goes, “The more people, the greater the strength; the more wood, the higher the flame”. As long as we work together, we will be able to create a better tomorrow.

Your Principal,

Zhang Zhencong



(Difficulty Level: Lower Intermediate)










1.竹子 zhúzi bamboo
有一棵竹子刚刚长高。There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall.
2. 靠近 kào jìn to be near
例句: 有一棵竹子刚刚长高,它那靠近地面的一节,就被小蚜虫咬坏了许多地方。Example: There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall when a section close to the ground was bitten by aphids.
3. 蚜虫 yá chóng aphid
例句: 有一棵竹子刚刚长高,它那靠近地面的一节,就被小蚜虫咬坏了许多地方。Example: There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall when a section close to the ground was bitten by aphids.
4. 咬 yǎo  to bite
例句: 有一棵竹子刚刚长高,它那靠近地面的一节,就被小蚜虫咬坏了许多地方。Example: There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall when a section close to the ground was bitten by aphids.
5. 啄木鸟 zhuó mù niǎo  woodpecker
例句: 你生病了,快请啄木鸟来替你医病。Example: You’re sick. Hurry and tell the woodpecker to come and heal you.
6. 医病 yī bìng to cure or heal
例句: 你生病了,快请啄木鸟来替你医病。Example: You’re sick. Hurry and tell the woodpecker to come and heal you.
7. 啄 zhuó to peck
啄木鸟会啄我。The woodpecker will peck me.
8. 哗啦一声 huā lā yī shēng with a thunderous noise
例句: 恰好吹来一阵大风,“哗啦”一声,生病的竹子就被吹倒了。Example: There was a big gust of wind and, with a thunderous bang, the bamboo tree was blown to the ground.
9. 吹倒 chuī dǎo  to blow over
例句: 恰好吹来一阵大风,“哗啦”一声,生病的竹子就被吹倒了。Example: There was a big gust of wind and, with a thunderous bang, the bamboo tree was blown to the ground.
10. 心理 xīnlǐ minds
例句:不论是身体方面的,心理方面的,还是行为方面的毛病,都应该赶快医好、改变好。Example: In our own bodies, minds, and behavior, wherever there are shortcomings, we should quickly heal and rectify them。
11. 行为 xíngwéi behavior
例句:不论是身体方面的,心理方面的,还是行为方面的毛病,都应该赶快医好、改变好。Example: In our own bodies, minds, and behavior, wherever there are shortcomings, we should quickly heal and rectify them。
12. 毛病 máobìng shortcoming
例句:不论是身体方面的,心理方面的,还是行为方面的毛病,都应该赶快医好、改变好。Example: In our own bodies, minds, and behavior, wherever there are shortcomings, we should quickly heal and rectify them。



1. 为什么竹子开始不想请啄木鸟医治它?

Why did the bamboo not want the woodpecker to cure its sickness at first?

2. 为什么竹子后来被吹倒了?

Why was the bamboo blown over at the end?

3. 这个故事告诉我们如果生病了应该怎么办?

What does this story suggest us to do when one is sick?

4.    你有什么小毛病,你觉得希望快点儿改好?

Do you have a small shortcoming that you hope to overcome quickly?


There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall when a section close to the ground was bitten by aphids.

The tall and mighty banyan tree saw this and quickly told the bamboo tree, “You’re sick. Hurry and tell the woodpecker to come and heal you. Small illnesses are easy to heal, but big illnesses are difficult to heal!”

The bamboo tree responded as if he didn’t care, “You want me to cal the woodpecker? He will peck me, and I’m afraid that will hurt. Forget it! It’s only a small sickness, it will heal soon.”

Soon the aphids had given birth to baby aphids, and they continued to multiply, so that the section of the bamboo tree near the round was eaten until it was full of holes. The bamboo tree couldn’t even stand up straight, and thus had no choice but to ask someone to call the woodpecker to come and heal him.

Just as the woodpecker arrived, there was a big gust of wind and, with a thunderous bang, the bamboo tree was blown to the ground.


A small sickness may be came from a big sickness. If you don’t cure the small sickness, it may turn into a big sickness. The bamboo tree of this fable didn’t understand this concept. Because he was afraid of a little pain, he didn’t want to cure his illness. By the time his illness had become serious and he was blown over by the wind, it was even too late for regrets. In our own bodies, minds and behavior, wherever there are faults, we should quickly heal and rectify them, don’t you think?











1.竹子 zhúzi bamboo
有一棵竹子剛剛長高。There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall.
2. 靠近 kào jìn to be near
例句: 有一棵竹子剛剛長高,它那靠近地面的一節,就被小蚜虫咬壞了許多地方。Example: There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall when a section close to the ground was bitten by aphids.
3. 蚜虫 yá chóng aphid
例句: 有一棵竹子剛剛長高,它那靠近地面的一節,就被小蚜虫咬壞了許多地方。Example: There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall when a section close to the ground was bitten by aphids.
4. 咬 yǎo to bite
例句: 有一棵竹子剛剛長高,它那靠近地面的一節,就被小蚜虫咬壞了許多地方。Example: There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall when a section close to the ground was bitten by aphids.
5. 啄木鳥 zhuó mù niǎo woodpecker
例句: 你生病了,快請啄木鳥來替你醫病。Example: You’re sick. Hurry and tell the woodpecker to come and heal you.
6. 醫病 yī bìng to cure or heal
例句: 你生病了,快請啄木鳥來替你醫病。Example: You’re sick. Hurry and tell the woodpecker to come and heal you.
7. 啄 zhuó to peck
啄木鳥會啄我。The woodpecker will peck me.
8. 嘩啦一聲 huā lā yī shēng with a thunderous noise
例句: 恰好吹來一陣大風,“嘩啦”一聲,生病的竹子就被吹倒了。Example: There was a big gust of wind and, with a thunderous bang, the bamboo tree was blown to the ground.
9. 吹倒 chuī dǎo to blow over
例句: 恰好吹來一陣大風,“嘩啦”一聲,生病的竹子就被吹倒了。Example: There was a big gust of wind and, with a thunderous bang, the bamboo tree was blown to the ground.
10. 心理 xīnlǐ minds
例句:不論是身體方面的,心理方面的,還是行為方面的毛病,都應該趕快醫好、改變好。Example: In our own bodies, minds, and behavior, wherever there are shortcomings, we should quickly heal and rectify them。
11. 行為 xíngwéi behavior
例句:不論是身體方面的,心理方面的,還是行為方面的毛病,都應該趕快醫好、改變好。Example: In our own bodies, minds, and behavior, wherever there are shortcomings, we should quickly heal and rectify them。
12. 毛病 máobìng shortcoming
例句:不論是身體方面的,心理方面的,還是行為方面的毛病,都應該趕快醫好、改變好。Example: In our own bodies, minds, and behavior, wherever there are shortcomings, we should quickly heal and rectify them。

1. 為什麼竹子開始不想請啄木鳥醫治它?

Why did the bamboo not want the woodpecker to cure its sickness at first?

2. 為什麼竹子后來被吹倒了?

Why was the bamboo blown over at the end?

3. 這個故事告訴我們如果生病了應該怎麼辦?

What does this story suggest us to do when one is sick?

4. 你有什麼小毛病,你覺得希望快點兒改好?

Do you have a small shortcoming that you hope to overcome quickly?


There was a bamboo tree that had just grown tall when a section close to the ground was bitten by aphids.

The tall and mighty banyan tree saw this and quickly told the bamboo tree, “You’re sick. Hurry and tell the woodpecker to come and heal you. Small illnesses are easy to heal, but big illnesses are difficult to heal!”

The bamboo tree responded as if he didn’t care, “You want me to cal the woodpecker? He will peck me, and I’m afraid that will hurt. Forget it! It’s only a small sickness, it will heal soon.”

Soon the aphids had given birth to baby aphids, and they continued to multiply, so that the section of the bamboo tree near the round was eaten until it was full of holes. The bamboo tree couldn’t even stand up straight, and thus had no choice but to ask someone to call the woodpecker to come and heal him.

Just as the woodpecker arrived, there was a big gust of wind and, with a thunderous bang, the bamboo tree was blown to the ground.


A small sickness may be came from a big sickness. If you don’t cure the small sickness, it may turn into a big sickness. The bamboo tree of this fable didn’t understand this concept. Because he was afraid of a little pain, he didn’t want to cure his illness. By the time his illness had become serious and he was blown over by the wind, it was even too late for regrets. In our own bodies, minds and behavior, wherever there are faults, we should quickly heal and rectify them, don’t you think?


Animal Protection – Taiwanese Jacana

动物保护—Animal Protection

水雉  (Jacana)

Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D

Emory University


(If you want to practice listening comprehension quickly, please read the English version of the questions at the end of this document.)


1.      何老师这次去了哪里?

A.    香港旺角

B.      台湾高雄

C.     中国北京

 2.      对话中主要谈论了哪种动物?

A.    藏羚羊

B.     水雉

C.     熊猫

 3.      孙小姐现在在做什么工作?

A.    在实验室里做义工

B.     在中山大学教课

C.     在台湾旅游

 4.      为什么说这种动物是珍稀动物?

A.    因为这种动物只生长在欧洲,数量也很少

B.     因为它十分美丽,很少有其他鸟类能够媲美

C.     因为它曾经只有40多只,濒临绝种

 5.      这种动物目前在台湾的数量是?

A.    200多只

B.      400多只

C.      2000多只

 6.      以下哪个选项不是情况好转的原因的?

A.    热心人士四处奔走,为它们募集到很多资金

B.     台湾环境保护协会高度重视,协助保护这种动物

C.     高速铁路的支持

 7.      以下哪种说法是不正确的?

A.    他们平时生活在浮叶植物和水上

B.     他们是一妻多夫制

C.     生小孩时,他们会迁移到树上

 8.      目前为止他们的生存有什么问题?

A.      目前水资源污染太过严重

B.      他们生活的很好,没有什么问题

C.      他们的栖息地已经过饱和,需要更大的地方

 9.      以下哪个选项不是孙小姐推荐我们做的?

A.    我们可以多去台湾参观,可以近距离了解他们的习性与特点

B.     对于他们的生存,我们应该给与更多的关怀

C.     我们可以给与经济上的捐助



gāo xióng

Kaohsiung (n.)

例句:高雄是个大城市Example: Kaohsiung is a big city.


zhēn xī dòng wù

Rare animals (n.)

例句:我们要保护珍稀动物Example: We need to protect rare animals.


zàng líng yáng

Tibetan antelope (n.)

例句:藏羚羊是一种很珍贵稀有的动物Example: The Tibetan antelope is a very rare kind of animal.


shuǐ zhì

Jacana (n.)
例句:水雉是一种很特殊的鸟类Example: The Jacana is a special species among birds.

5. 义工

yì gōng

Volunteer (n.& v.)

例句:张小姐在实验实力做义工Example: Miss Sun is volunteering in the lab.

6. 普查

pǔ chá

Investigation, census (n.)

例句:我国每四年一次人口普查。Example: The census is taken once every four years in our country.

7. 募集

mù jí

Raise, collect (v.)

例句:你能帮助我们募集款项,救济因水灾而无家可归的人吗?Example: Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the people made homeless by the flood?

8. 资金

zī jīn

Fund (n.)

例句:该项目因缺乏资金而告吹。Example: The project foundered as a result of lack of funds.

10. 一雌多公

yī cí duō gōng

Polyandry system (n.)

例句:水雉奉行一雌多公制。Example: The Jacana reproduce through a system of polyandry.

11. 羽毛

yǔ máo

Feather (n.)

例句:孔雀的羽毛很美Example: Peacocks have beautiful feathers.

12. 浮叶植物

fú yè zhí wù

Floating plant (n.)

例句:水雉生活在浮叶植物上Example: The Jacana lives on floating plants.

13. 菱角

líng jiǎo

Water chestnut (n.)

例句:菱角有很高的营养价值Example: Water chestnuts have a high nutritional value.

14. 睡莲

shuì lián

Water lily (n.)

例句:睡莲在早上开花。Example: Water lily bloom in the morning.

15. 饱和

bǎo hé

Saturate (v.)

例句:来了那麽多的难民,营房都饱和了。Example: So many refugees have arrived that the camps have reached the saturation point.

16. 协助

xié zhù

provide assistance, aid (v.)
例句:一组护士协助医生施行手术。Example: A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.

问题讨论( Discussion Questions):

1.      为什么水雉是一种很特殊的鸟类?

2.      你还知道有哪些其他濒临灭绝的动物或鸟类?

3.      你对这些动物的习性有哪些了解?

4.      如果可以,你希望为这些动物或鸟类做些什么?

5.      对于环境保护,除了这些稀有的动物以外,还有什么是我们需要做的?

 Ø  Questions:

 1. Where did Ho Laoshi go this time?

A. Mong Kok in Hong Kong

B. Kaohsiung in Taiwan

C. Beijing in China

 2. What kind of animal was mainly talked about in the conversation?

A. Tibetan antelope

B. jacana

C. panda

 3. What is Miss Sun doing right now?

A. Volunteering in lab

B. Teaching in Zhongshan University

C. Travelling in Taiwan

 4. Why do we regard this animal as rare animal?

A. This animal only lives in Europe in quite small numbers.

B. Rarely could other birds rival its beautiful appearance.

C. Because it was endangered with merely 40 animals left..

 5. What is the current population of this animal in Taiwan?

A. Over 200

B. Over 400

C. Over 2000

 6. Which of the following is not a factor to benefit the endangered animal?

A. A warmhearted person raised a lot of money for helping the animal.

B. Taiwan Environmental Protection Association valued this issue highly and helped protect the animal.

C. The Jacana gained support from Highway.

 7. Which of the following is not correct?

A. The Jacana usually live on the floating-leaved plants or on water.

B. They Jacana have a system of polyandry.

C. They Jacana would move to live on trees when giving birth to babies.

 8. What kind of problems do they encounter for survival?

A. Water resources are suffering severe pollution at present.

B. The birds live well with no problems.

C. They need a bigger place to live.

 9. Which of the following does Miss Sun not recommend?

A. We should visit Taiwan more to understand the birds.

B. We should pay more attention on their survival.

C. We may contribute the land for their survival.