Edible Plants




 课文选自中级汉语阅读教程, 114(北京语言大学出版社)



1.可食 kě shí edible (adj.)
例句: 陈先生研制出了可食餐具。

Example: Mr. Chen researched and created edible plates and bowls.

2.盛 chéng to fill, hold (v.)
例句: 顾客吃光食品以后,还可以吃掉自己面前盛食物的盘子。

Example: After finishing the food, customers can also eat the plates used to hold the food.

3.燕麦 yàn mài oats (n.)
例句: 这种可以食用的盘子是用燕麦制作的富有营养的一次性餐具。

Example: These edible plates are one-time use items made from nutritious oatmeal.

4.制作 zhì zuò to make (v.)
例句: 可食餐具是用燕麦制作的。

Example: The edible plates are made of oats.

5.企业家 qǐ yè jiā entrepreneur (n.)
例句: 它的发明者是台湾企业家陈良烈先生。

Example: The inventor of these plates is a Taiwanese entrepreneur named Chen Liang Lie.

6.研制 yán zhì to research and create (v.)

Example: Mr. Chen invested $1.5 million in researching and creating edible plates and bowls.

7.销售 xiāo shòu to sell (v.)
例句: 现在他的公司每天销售四万只这种粮食制作的盘子和钵子。

Example: Now, his company sells 40,000 plates and bowls made of grain per day.

8.粮食 liáng shi grain (n.)
例句: 现在他的公司每天销售四万只这种粮食制作的盘子和钵子。

Example: Now, his company sells 40,000 plates and bowls made of grain per day.

9.钵子 bō zǐ  bowl (n.)
例句: 陈先生的钵子和盘子非常受欢迎。

Example: Mr. Chen’s bowls and plates are very popular.

10.营养 yíng yǎng nutrition (n.)
例句: 陈先生认为他所发明的一次性可食餐具营养丰富。

Example: Mr. Chen considers that his one-time use edible plates and bowls are full of nutrition.


1. 顾客为什么可以吃掉盘子?

Why could the customers eat the plates?

2. 陈先生研制可食餐具的投入是多少?现在销售如何?

How much did Mr. Chen invest in researching and creating the edible plates? How are the sales now?

3. 可食餐具有哪些优点 ?

What are the strengths of the edible plates?

4. 你知道还有什么发明对周围环境有帮助?

Do you know other discoveries that help the environment?


Edible Plates and Bowls

In some restaurants and coffee shops in Taiwan, customers can eat their plates. These edible plates are one-time use items made from nutritious oatmeal.

The inventor of these plates is a Taiwanese businessman named Chen Liang Lie.  Mr. Chen is 50 years old. He invested NT$1.5 million in researching and creating edible plates and bowls. His work eventually paid off. Now, his company sells NT$40,000 worth of plates and bowls per day. Individual plates and bowls go for 7 cents a piece. Mr. Chen’s nutritious inventions also meet hygienic standards. At the same time, they cause no harm to the environment. This kind of invention boasts certain strengths that other tableware lacks.


Animal Reservation



 课文选自中级汉语阅读教程, 140(北京语言大学出版社)


1.节能 jié néng conserve energy (v.)
例句: 有的动物有特殊的节能本领。Example: Some animals are skilled at conserving energy.
2.冬眠 dōng mián hibernation (n.)
例句: 在冬天,许多动物用冬眠、停止活动等方法来降低能量消耗。Example: In the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption.
3.消耗 xiāo hào consumption (n.)
例句: 在冬天,许多动物用冬眠、停止活动等方法来降低能量消耗。Example: In the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption.
4.观望 guān wàng look and see (v.)
例句: 乌龟两年不吃食物,仍然会抬头观望。Example: Turtles that don’t eat for two years can still raise their head to look around.
5.若无其事 ruò wú qí shì as if nothing had happened
例句: 乌龟两年不吃东西还能若无其事。Example: Turtles don’t eat for two years as if nothing had happened.
6.利用 lì yòng make use of (v.)
例句: 蛇是变温动物,它直接利用太阳能,省去一些能量消耗。Example: Snakes make use of solar heat to raise their body temperature and conserve energy.
7.储存 chǔ cún store (v.)
例句: 在冬季到来以前,蛇尽量多吃东西,把能量储存起来。Example: Before winter, snakes eat as much as possible, then remain still while hibernating.


1. 动物的节能本领是怎样的?

How do animals conserve their energy?

2. 蛇如何节省能量?

How do snakes conserve their energy?

3. 蛇在冬天如何节省能量?

How do snakes conserve their energy in the winter?

4. 你知道还有什么动物/植物,牠们有节能的本领?

Do you know other animals or plants that can conserve their own energy?


Animals and Energy Conservation

Some animals are skilled at conserving energy. For example, in the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption. Turtles that don’t eat for two years can still raise their head to look around. Crocodiles that don’t drink any water for 700 days can still walk freely. Frogs that don’t drink or eat for 400 days can still live. Snakes make use of solar heat to raise their body temperature and conserve energy. Before winter, snakes eat as much as possible, then remain still while hibernating. After 150 days of hibernation, their weight decreases by only two percent.



課文選自中級漢語閱讀教程, 140頁(北京語言大學出版社)


1.節能 jié néng conserve energy (v.)
例句: 有的動物有特殊的節能本領。
Example: Some animals are skilled at conserving energy.

2.冬眠 dōng mián hibernation (n.)
例句: 在冬天,許多動物用冬眠、停止活動等方法來降低能量消耗。
Example: In the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption.

3.消耗 xiāo hào consumption (n.)
例句: 在冬天,許多動物用冬眠、停止活動等方法來降低能量消耗。
Example: In the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption.

4.觀望 guān wàng look and see (v.)
例句: 烏龜兩年不吃食物,仍然會抬頭觀望。
Example: Turtles that don’t eat for two years can still raise their head to look around.

5.若無其事 ruò wú qí shì as if nothing had happened
例句: 烏龜兩年不吃東西還能若無其事。
Example: Turtles don’t eat for two years as if nothing had happened.

6.利用 lì yòng make use of (v.)
例句: 蛇是變溫動物,它直接利用太陽能,省去一些能量消耗。
Example: Snakes make use of solar heat to raise their body temperature and conserve energy.

7.儲存 chǔ cún store (v.)
例句: 在冬季到來以前,蛇盡量多吃東西,把能量儲存起來。
Example: Before winter, snakes eat as much as possible, then remain still while hibernating.


1. 動物的節能本領是怎樣的?

How do animals conserve their energy?

2. 蛇如何節省能量?

How do snakes conserve their energy?

3. 蛇在冬天如何節省能量?

How do snakes conserve their energy in the winter?

4. 你知道還有什麼動物/植物,牠們有節能的本領?

Do you know other animals or plants that can conserve their own energy?


Animals and Energy Conservation

Some animals are skilled at conserving energy. For example, in the wintertime, many animals hibernate to decrease their energy consumption. Turtles that don’t eat for two years can still raise their head to look around. Crocodiles that don’t drink any water for 700 days can still walk freely. Frogs that don’t drink or eat for 400 days can still live. Snakes make use of solar heat to raise their body temperature and conserve energy. Before winter, snakes eat as much as possible, then remain still while hibernating. After 150 days of hibernation, their weight decreases by only two percent.

Snow Leopards



吕斌斌 Nina Dutton





1. 雪豹 xuěbào snow leopard
例句: 雪豹是一种大型猫科动物。

Example: Snow leopards are a type of large feline.

2. 大型 xíng large scale, wide scale, broad scale
例句: 雪豹是一种大型猫科动物。

Example: Snow leopards are a type of large feline.

3. 猫科 māo Felidae (the cat family)
例句: 雪豹是一种大型猫科动物。

Example: Snow leopards are a type of large feline.

4. 原产 yuánchǎn native to
例句: 牠们原产於亚洲中部山区。

Example: They are native to the mountains of Central Asia.

5. 浅色 qiǎn light color
例句: 这种动物的毛是浅色的,又长又浓。

Example: This animal’s fur is light-colored, thick and long.

6. nóng thick
例句: 这种动物的毛是浅色的,又长又浓。

Example: This animal’s fur is light-colored, thick and long.

7. 要不是 yàobushì if not for , but for
例句: 要不是雪豹不是在雪峰住,说不定这种动物没有那么多毛。

Example: If snow leopards did not live on snowy mountaintops, they probably would not have as much fur.

8. 雪峰 xuěfēng snowy peak
例句: 要不是雪豹不是在雪峰住,说不定这种动物没有那么多毛。

Example: If snow leopards did not live on snowy mountaintops, they probably would not have as much fur.

9. 用来 yònglái to be used for
例句: 牠们没有那么长的尾巴用来平衡。

Example: They do not have such a long tail to use for balance.

10. 平衡 pínghéng balance, equilibrium
例句: 牠们没有那么长的尾巴用来平衡。

Example: They do not have such a long tail to use for balance.

11. 咆哮 páoxiào roar
例句: 这种“大猫”有个方面很奇怪:雪豹不能咆哮。

Example: This “big cat” has a strange aspect: snow leopards cannot roar.

12. 往往 wǎngwǎng frequently, often
例句: 雪豹往往可以捕食到什么动物就吃什么动物。

Example: Snow leopards tend to eat whatever animals they can catch.

13. 捕食 shí to prey on, to catch and feed on
例句: 雪豹往往可以捕食到什么动物就吃什么动物。

Example: Snow leopards tend to eat whatever animals they can catch.

14. 岩羊 yányáng bharal (a wild sheep)
例句: 牠们喜欢吃岩羊、野羊、山羊、鹿、兔等等。

Example: They like to eat bharals, wild sheep, mountain goats, deer, rabbits, and so on.

15. 野羊 yáng Wild sheep
例句: 牠们喜欢吃岩羊、野羊、山羊、鹿、兔等等。

Example: They like to eat bharals, wild sheep, mountain goats, deer, rabbits, and so on.

16. 山羊 shānyáng mountain goat
例句: 牠们喜欢吃岩羊、野羊、山羊、鹿、兔等等。

Example: They like to eat bharals, wild sheep, mountain goats, deer, rabbits, and so on.

17. 鹿 deer
例句: 牠们喜欢吃岩羊、野羊、山羊、鹿、兔等等。

Example: They like to eat bharals, wild sheep, mountain goats, deer, rabbits, and so on.

18. 土地 land, territory
例句: 随着人们开始用很多土地来作建筑,越来越少栖息地让雪豹来生息。Example: Since people began to use more land for building houses, there are less and less habitats for snow leopards to live in.
19. 建筑 jiànzhù building
例句: 随着人们开始用很多土地来建筑房子,越来越少栖息地让雪豹来生息。Example: Since people began to use more land for building houses, there are less and less habitats for snow leopards to live in.
20. 栖息地 habitat
例句: 随着人们开始用很多土地来建筑房子,越来越少栖息地让雪豹来生息。Example: Since people began to use more land for building houses, there are less and less habitats for snow leopards to live in.
21. 生息 shēng to inhabit, to live in
例句: 随着人们开始用很多土地来建筑房子,越来越少栖息地让雪豹来生息。Example: Since people began to use more land for building houses, there are less and less habitats for snow leopards to live in.
22. 之所以 zhīsuǒ the reason for
例句: 雪豹之所以减少,也是因为人捕杀牠们。

Example: Another reason snow leopards are decreasing is that people capture and kill them.

23. 减少 jiǎnshǎo to decrease, to reduce
例句: 雪豹之所以减少,也是因为人捕杀牠们。

Example: Another reason snow leopards are decreasing is that people capture and kill them.

24. 捕杀 shā capture and kill
例句: 雪豹之所以减少,也是因为人捕杀牠们。

Example: Another reason snow leopards are decreasing is that people capture  and kill them.

25. 偷猎者 tōulièzhě poacher
例句: 要么偷猎者想卖雪豹的皮,要么农人想保护他们的牛和羊,怕给雪豹吃掉。

Example: Sometimes it is poachers who want to sell the snow leopards’ skin or else it is farmers who want to protect their livestock.

26. 权利 quán right
例句: 有些人觉得人的权利比动物的权利重要。

Example: Some people believe that the rights of humans are more important than the rights of animals.

27. 不公平 gōngpíng unfair
例句: 这不是太不公平了吗?
Example: Is this not unfair?
28. 自然资源 rányuán natural resource
例句: 我觉得人用太多自然资源,留给动物的不够。

Example: I feel that humans use too many of the natural resources and don’t set aside enough for the animals.

29. 留给 liúgěi to set aside
例句: 我觉得人用太多自然资源,留给动物的不够。

Example: I feel that humans use too many of the natural resources and don’t set aside enough for the animals.

30. 野生 shēng wild, undomesticated
例句: 在保护雪豹方面,人们最好不要用那么多土地,应该留多些树林、山、和另外的栖息地给野生的动物和植物。

Example: In order to protect snow leopards, people should not use as much land, and should leave more forests, mountains, and other habitats for wild animals and plants.

31. 植物 zhí vegetation, plants
例句: 在保护雪豹方面,人们最好不要用那么多土地,应该留多些树林、山、和另外的栖息地给野生的动物和植物。

Example: In order to protect snow leopards, people should not use as much land, and should leave more forests, mountains, and other habitats for wild animals and plants.





For what do snow leopards use their tails and fur for?

2. 人们开始用土地来做建筑以后,雪豹的栖息变了什么变化?这些变化对雪豹的生活有什么影响?

What changes occurred to the habitats of snow leopard after humans started to use up more land?  What influence did this have on their lives?

3. 除了上面说了原因以外,还有什么原因让雪豹的种群减少了那么多?

Except for the reason mentioned above, what are other causes for the decrease in the snow leopard population?

4. 作者提供了一个很重要问题,关于权利,你觉得人们的权利比动物的权力重要吗?为什么?

The author raised an important question regarding rights: do you think human rights are more important that animal rights?  Why?


Snow leopards are a type of large feline, native to the mountains of Central Asia. Aside

from  China, they also live in India, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. This animal’s fur is light-colored, thick and long, with black spots. If snow leopards did not live on snowy mountaintops, they probably would not have as much fur, and they would not have such a long tail to use for balance. This “big cat” has a strange aspect: snow leopards cannot roar. Snow leopards tend to eat whatever animals they can catch. They like to eat bharals, wild sheep, mountain goats, deer, rabbits, and so on.

There have been fewer snow leopards in the past few decades. Since people began to

use more land for building houses, there are less and less habitats for snow leopards to live in. Another reason for the decrease in snow leopards is that people capture and kill them, whether it is poachers who want to sell the snow leopards’ skin, or whether it is farmers who want to protect their livestock.

Some people say that humans use too many natural resources, and don’t leave enough for animals. Is it not unfair to consider people’s rights are more important than animals’ rights? In order to protect snow leopards, people should not use as much land, and should leave more forests, mountains, and other habitats for animals and plants. Another way to solve the snow leopard problem is not to capture and kill these big cats.


Baby Rabbit Learns How to Recycle Things


 Emory CHN302

郭明茹(Janice Kuo)
















1. 炎熱 yán rè scorching hot (adj.)

Example: On a scorching hot Saturday, Bunny and his friends played soccer in the park.

2. 便利商店                          biàn lì shāng diàn     convenience store (n.)



Example: Bunny and his friends decided to go to a convenience store to buy drinks.

3. 垃圾桶                             lè sè tǒng                    trash can (n.)



Example: Bunny threw his empty soda bottle into the trash can.

4. 亂                                    luàn                             carelessly (adv.)



Example: Trash cannot be carelessly thrown away.

5. 寶特瓶                            bǎo tè píng                   PET bottle (n.)



Example: This kind of bottle is called a PET bottle, and it’s made of plastic.

6. 塑膠                               sù jiāo                           plastic (n.)



Example: This kind of bottle is called a PET bottle, and it’s made of plastic.

7. 回收                               huí shōu                       to recycle (v.)



Example: It is a special kind of trash, and cannot be thrown in with other trash.  It needs to be recycled.

8. 重新使用                       chóng xīn shǐ yòng       to reuse (v.)



Example: Recycling means using old trash to make new things.  It can be reused!

9. 似乎                               sì hū                             apparently (adv.)



Example: Bunny apparently did not completely understand.

10. 熔                                róng                               to melt (v.)



Example: Like your PET bottle, the recycling plant will melt it with other PET bottles.

11. 溜滑梯                         liū huá tī                         slide (n.)



Example: Of this melted plastic, some will be made into new PET bottles, and some may be used to make a plastic slide.

12. 反覆利用                    fǎn fù lì yòng                    to repeatedly utilize (v.)



Example: Repeatedly utilizing this plastic can reduce the waste of resources.

13. 資源                           zī yuán                             resources (v.)



Example: Repeatedly utilizing this plastic can reduce the waste of resources.

14. 浪費                          làng fèi                              waste (n.)



Example: Repeatedly utilizing this plastic can reduce the waste of resources.

15. 污染                         wū rǎn                                pollution (n.)



Example: The teacher says everyone should do their best to help reduce pollution.

16. 環保                         huán bǎo                  environmental protection (n.)



Example: The teacher says everyone should do their best to help reduce pollution.  He says this is called environmental protection!

17. 鋁罐                         lǚ guàn                    aluminum can (n.)



Example: Aluminum cans and paper can be recycled too.

18. 造紙                         zào zhǐ                    papermaking (n.)



Example: Papermaking is a major cause of the world’s forests vanishing.

19. 消失                        xiāo shī                     to vanish (v.)



Example: Papermaking is a major cause of the world’s forests vanishing.

20. 極                           jí                                 to the greatest extent (adv.)

Example: Mother Rabbit was extremely happy when she heard this!



1. 兔宝宝为什么买了瓶汽水?

Why did Bunny get a bottle of Soda?


What did Bunny do with his bottle after he finished the soda?

3. 为什么兔妈妈说兔宝宝的这个汽水瓶不能丢到垃圾桶里 ?

Why did Bunny’s mom tell him not to throw his bottle into the trashcan?

4. “回收”是什么意思?

What does “recycle” mean?

5. 反复利用塑料的好处是什么?

What’s good about reutilizing plastic?

6. 除了宝特瓶还有哪些垃圾可以回收?

Besides a PET bottle, what else can be recycled?


On a scorching hot Saturday, Bunny and his friends played soccer in the park. After the game, everyone was tired and thirsty. Bunny and his friends decided to go to a convenience store to buy drinks. Bunny had a bottle of ice cold soda, which was quite satisfying.

After getting back home, Bunny threw his empty soda bottle into the trash can. Bunny’s mom came up to him and said: “Baby, you shouldn’t throw the bottle into the trashcan.”

Bunny didn’t understand why, so he asked: “Mommy, why shouldn’t I throw the bottle into the trashcan? Didn’t you tell me that trash cannot be carelessly thrown away and that it has to go into the trashcan?

Bunny’s mom smiled and said: “Yes, trash cannot be carelessly thrown away. However, in this case it is a little different. This kind of bottle is called a PET bottle, and it’s made of plastic. It is a special kind of trash, and cannot be thrown in with other trash.  It needs to be recycled.

Bunny looked a little confused. “Mommy, what does ‘recycling’ mean?”

“Baby, recycling means using old trash to make new things so that they can be reused.”Bunny still didn’t understand completely, so his mom went on: “Like your PET bottle, the recycling plant will melt it with other PET bottles. Of this melted plastic, some will be made into new PET bottles, and some may  be used to make a plastic slide.  Repeatedly utilizing this plastic can reduce the wasting of resources.”

Bunny looked enlightened. “The teacher says everyone should do their best to help reduce pollution.  He says this is called environmental protection.”

Bunny’s mom petted him on the head and said: “Very good, environmental protection means to protect the environment.”

“Mommy, I want to protect the environment. What should I do?”

“Baby, as long as you remember what I said today—put all the trash that can be recycled into the recycling bins, you are already contributing to environmental protection.”

“Really? What kinds of trash can be recycled? Only the PET bottles?”

Mommy said: “There is more. Aluminum cans and paper can be recycled too. Papermaking is a major cause of the world’s forests vanishing, so we shouldn’t waste any paper.”

“I get it mommy. Since it is so simple, I have to protect the environment ,and I will tell my friends about it as well.”

Bunny’s mom was extremely happy when she heard this!










课文选自听故事,学成语, 103-106(北京语言大学出版社)


1. 雕 diāo A big bird (n.)
例句: “雕”是一种大鸟。

Example: A “diao” is a big bird.

2. 成语 chéngyǔ Idiom (n.)
例句: 这个成语的意思是…

Example: The meaning of this idiom is that …

3. 本事 běnshì Skillful (adj.)
例句: 一个人很有本事。

Example: The person is very skillful.

4. 武艺高强 wǔyìgāoqiáng Be good at martial arts (adj.)
例句: 他虽然书读得不多,但是武艺高强。

Example: Although he did not study much, he was very good at martial arts.

5. 射箭 shèjiàn archery (n.)
例句: 他尤其会射箭。

Example: He was especially skilled at archery.

6. 派 pài Order; send (v.)
例句: 皇帝派他出使突厥国。

Example: The emperor ordered him to attack Tujue county.

7. 出使 chūshǐ be sent on a diplomatic mission; to attack (v.)
例句: 皇帝派他出使突厥国。

Example: The emperor ordered him to attack Tujue county.

8. 本领 běnlǐng skill (n.)
例句: 突厥的国王摄图知道长孙晟的本领很好。

Example: The king of Tujue, She Tu, knew Chang Sun Chen’s shooting skill was very good.

9. 赏识 shǎngshí Think highly of (v.)
例句: 主编很赏识他这篇文章。

Example: The editor in chief thinks highly of this article of his.

10. 骑马打猎 qímǎdǎliè

Hunt on horseback (v.)

例句: 突厥的国王常邀他一起去骑马打猎。

Example: All the young men enlisted in the army and died.

11. 率领 shuàilǐng Lead (v.)
例句: 有一天他们又率领大队人马去打猎。

Example: One day, they lead a team to go hunting.

12. 人马 rénmǎ Troop; group (n.)
例句: 全部人马都到齐了。

Example: All the troops have arrived.

13. 野兽 yěshòu Wild animals (n.)
例句: 他们到了森林以后没看见有什么野兽。

Example: When they arrived at the forest, they did spot any wild animals.

14. 失望 shīwàng disappointed (adj.)
例句: 他们很失望。

Example: They felt very disappointed.

15. 忽然 hūrán All of a sudden; suddenly (adv.)
例句: 忽然听见天上一阵雕叫的声音。

Example: All of a sudden, they heard the sound of Diao.

16. 齐声 qíshēng Cheer in chorus
例句: 大家都齐声叫好。

Example: People cheer in chorus.

17. 了不起 liǎobuqǐ Amazing (adj.)
例句: 长孙晟真了不起。

Example: Zhang Sun Sheng (Chang Sun Chen) is every amazing.

28. 目的 mùdì Goal; destination; aim (n.)
例句: 做一件事,可以达到两个目的。

Example: Doing one thing is achieving two goals.


  1. 用自己的话总结一下这个故事

Use your own words to summarize this story.

  1. 用“一箭双雕”造两至三个句子

Make 2-3 sentences using this idiom.


A diao is a big bird. The meaning of this idiom is that a skillful person can use one arrow to kill two big birds in the same shot.

During the Chinese Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a man named Chang Sun Chen. Although he did not study much, he was very good at martial arts. He was especially skilled at archery. The emperor ordered him to attack Tujue country.

The king of Tujue, She Tu, knew Chang Sun Chen was very skillful at shooting and often invited him to go hunting on horseback. One day, they led a team to go hunting. When they arrived at the forest, they did spot any animals and felt very disappointed as a result.

All of a sudden, they heard the sound of Diao. She Tu lifted his head and saw two big birds fighting over a scrap of meat. She Tu was very happy. He gave two arrows to Chang Sun Chen and asked him to shoot the Diao.

Chang Sun Chen took the arrows, shot them into the air, and watched as the two diao fell from the sky.

Everybody remarked on Chang Sun Chen’s skill. He could shoot two big birds with only one arrow. Later on, people used this story as a metaphor to describe doing one thing and achieving two goals.