Elsa Lake


胡宝贤 Elsa Lake


             张大千是一位很有名的二十世纪的中国艺术家。童年的时候,他的家人想让他画画。在上海他很努力地模仿有名的明清艺术家的作品。在 一九五零末, 张大千的眼睛有了越来越多的问题。他自创了一种泼彩的画法。一九七八的时候他搬到台北。他的家,摩耶精舍,现在是一个博物馆。我选择这张画因为我对很大的绿山有兴趣。

河跟云都是淡蓝和白色的,意味着云浮通过树像水流通过地。于是风景看起来很安静。人在凉亭比有阴影的山小得多。 这暗示了自然比人有力和更重要。要是我在这张画里,我会爬上那座山。我 希望更好的了解这个陌生和有意思的地方。

Zhang Daqian’s mountain and water paintings are beautiful and interesting. At the bottom of one of the paintings is a green rock and green grass. There are two crooked trees on top of the rock. A pavilion is near the rock. A few people are on the pavilion. A river surrounds the pavilion. Green mountains are behind the pavilion. The mountains are very high and steep, and clouds cover the forest.

Zhang Daqian is a famous Chinese artist of the twentieth century. In his childhood, his family wanted him to paint. In Shanghai he diligently copied the works of Ming-Qing artists. In the late 1950s, Zhang Daqian’s eyes had more and more problems. He came up with his splashed color style of painting. In 1978 he moved to Taipei. His house, Moye Jingshe, is now a museum. I chose this painting because the large green mountains interested me.

Both the river and the clouds are light blue and white, which implies that the clouds floating through the forest are similar to the water flowing through the land. As a result, the scenery appears very calm. The people on the pavilion are much smaller than the shadowy mountains. This suggests that nature is more powerful and important than people. If I were inside this painting, I would climb up the mountain. I would hope to better understand this unfamiliar and interesting place.

弯曲                wan1 qu1                    crooked

凉亭                liang2 ting2                 pavilion

周围                zhou1 wei2                  surroundings

陡峭                dou3 qiao4                  precipitous, dangerously high or steep

遮盖                zhe1 gai4                     to cover

森林                sen1 lin2                      forest

二十世纪        er4 shi2 shi4 ji4           twentieth century

艺术家            yi1 shu4 jia1                artist

复制                fu4 zhi4                       to copy

作品                zuo4 pin3                    work of art

自创                zi4 chuang4                 to create

泼彩                po1 cai3                       splashed color (style developed by Zhang Daqian)

摩耶精舍        mo2 ye jing1 she4       name of Zhang Daqian’s residence in Taiwan

淡蓝                dan4 lan2                    light blue

意味着            yi4 wei4 zhe                to signify/mean/imply

浮                    fu2                               to float

有阴影            you3 yin1 ying3          shadowy

暗示                an4 shi4                       to suggest

Se Hwan Youn


 尹世焕 / Se Hwan Youn

唐寅的这张山水画很有意思,因为他做赋诗题画。他的书法也确实不含糊。这画的构思好因为这画以大河为背景。我也觉得他的画在对容白的处理上很出色。这张画是江边的风景. 画里有一个山, 大河,一个摆渡,树林和小楼。画大半是黑色和黄色的,可是有六个印章是红色的。在江边,我们可以看一个小木屋后面的各种各样的树。画里没有人江边垂钓,可是江边水雾弥漫。

 1470年, 明朝唐寅出生在苏州,他是中国最杰出的艺术家之一,以肖像画,风景画和诗闻名。他很聪明,所以他参加科举考试。可是他和他的朋友向政府高官行贿。 所以他们就地免职。他不成功的时候,他沉溺于享乐。可是他是学生的神舟,朋友的文征明。两个人教他画很多山水画,所以他成功了。



Tang Yin’s landscape is interesting because he composed a poem in his painting. His calligraphy is impressive. The design of this painting is good because the background is the river. So I think he is utilizing the free space very well. In this painting, there is a mountain, river, a ferry, forest, and a small building. Most of the painting is colored in black and yellow, but six seals are red. At the riverside, we can see a small hut behind various kinds of trees. No one is fishing at the riverside, but the air is filled with mist.

In 1470 Ming dynasty, Tang Yin was born in Sunzhou. He is one of the outstanding artists in China and famous for portraits, landscapes, and poetry. He is very smart. Therefore, he took the national civil service exam. However, he and his friend bribed government officials. So they were removed from the office. When he couldn’t succeed, he indulged in pleasure; however, he is a student of Shenzhou and a friend of Wen Zhengming. These two people helped him draw paintings. So he finally succeeded.

If I were in the painting, I would like to exercise with my friends! As for me, for instance, when I am at the riverside, I often take a walk, dance, or practice Tai Chi Quan, or go fishing. I would like to know where Tang Yin painted this landscape because I cannot fins the mountain scenery in Atlanta. When I have the chance, I hope to go to this place with my friends.

Ashley Bernard















王蒙 的 这张山水画是很漂亮。 在 这张山水画里有很多山 河 石头 和 林。那儿也 有 些 人。 看起来他们 跟 骑 在动物上。 有些人在河上洗澡。最 重要的画是在底下。这张画更高上的有很多书法字, 可是我看不出来什么因为字很小。

王蒙是一位有名的画家。 1308年 元代,王蒙 出生 在湖州。 他是一个赵孟頫 的孙子,他是有宋代的皇室血统的后裔。王蒙是 云代 认识四 位。 他比其他三大师 小。 他们都喜欢画画在纸上代替丝绸因为书法真实。 我选这张山水画因为又古老又优胜。

这张山水画是很和平。如果 我在画 的里 面, 我 将一个人在那儿 洗澡。如果 我是 画家, 我要包括画 鸟类因为我喜欢看鸟类在天上飞。我很喜欢和平 的地方因为我没有觉得什么东西是我但心。

Translation: Wang Meng’s landscape painting is very pretty. The painting shows mountains, rivers, large rocks, and trees. There are some people in the painting as well. It seems like they are riding on animals. Some of the people are in the river washing themselves. Most of the painting is lower on the scroll. Towards the top of the scroll, there is a lot of calligraphy, but I cannot read it because it is quite small.

Wang Meng is a famous painter. In 1308 during the Yuan dynasty, Wang Meng was born in Hu Zhou. He is a maternal grandson of Zhao Mengfu, making him a bloodline descendant of the royal Song dynasty. Wang Meng is recognized as one of the four great masters of the Yuan dynasty. He was the youngest out of the four great masters. They all liked to paint on paper instead of silk because the calligraphy would look more authentic. I chose this landscape portrait because it is ancient and superior.

This landscape painting is very peaceful. If I were in the painting, I would be one of the people washing themselves. If I were the painter, I would’ve included birds because I like watching bires in the sky. I really like natural places because I don’t have to think about anything else that would cause me to worry.

Christine Chiang

这幅画叫三马图,因为画上有三匹马在跑来跑去。 画里只有马,我们看不出马什在哪里跑。我特别喜欢艺术家的看法。他把三匹马用不同的颜色。有一匹是白色的,黑色的,还有咖啡色的。这三匹马代表一个家庭, 因为徐悲鸿在画这个画的时候他刚生了一个孩子。

这幅画很有意思,因为这个艺术家平常会用水墨画来画画,可是这幅画是用水彩。我觉得用水彩来画那些马, 马有更多活力,因为有颜色还有画的方法让马更像真的。

徐悲鸿很有名, 他专门结合现代艺术和传统绘画。我选这幅画, 因为我以前有骑过马,马是我最爱的动。



This painting is called “Three Galloping Horses” which is the focus of this painting.  I like how the artist chose to make each horse a different color.  The artist focuses mainly on the horses and not the actual background of where the horses are.  This made me focus on the juxtaposition of the horses and how they are moving.   You can tell that they are moving because of the way their legs are positioned and how their manes are flying out behind them.  The artist shows us three differently colored horses: one black, one white, and one brown.  They represent a family because during this time the artist recently had a son, and thus embodied his excitement in this painting.

This painting is especially special because Xu Beihong is more known for his ink paintings, but this was done in watercolor. I feel that the watercolor gives the horses more life because of the coloration and the brush strokes he used to create dimension with.

Xu Beihong is known as the father of modern Chinese painting.  He focused on painting mainly horses and birds.  He became famous for his combination of classical Chinese painting with a more western outlook.  I picked this painting because I used to go horseback riding, and horses are my favorite animals. In this painting they represent freedom, strength, and graceful elegance.

If I were in the painting, I would see endless fields of grass, hear the sound of horses galloping, and feel the wind gently blowing.  I feel that Xu Beihong wanted to express his happiness in this painting.

Hunter Engel

我选的山水画是杨泳梁的“工业污染”。画里有几座大山、水、树,像传统山水画一样。可是,“工业污染” 是2009年画得,山都是高楼,树都是起重机,像现代中国城市的风景。画里的颜色都是黑色、灰色和白色。

