Bridget Eklund

馬远 的幅画:学者的瀑布

这张幅画又好看又有意思。这张幅画有一棵树,一个瀑布, 一座山。 在这幅画的下,有两个人;一位老师和他的学生。老师坐在公园,看看美丽的瀑布。他的意念很深。这张幅画有咖啡色、蓝色和绿色。不但漂亮,而且高质量。

这张幅画是南宋朝的, 画家是馬远。他真的是好画家,特别是他的山水画。他在杭州出生,他的家人都是画家。我选了这张幅画因为我最喜欢大自然。我觉得这张幅画让你接近大自然, 同时我也喜欢看瀑布和山。

我喜欢坐在公园里。 环境不会很热闹,很舒服, 一点儿风。空气很新鲜,没有污染。看起来这位老师是轻松轻松的。要是我在这张画里,我最喜欢在老师的旁边坐着, 一起看看这个瀑布。我会想安静得不得了,成为大自然的一部分。总之, 我爱这张幅画;很有意思,很美丽。

This painting is very good to look at and interesting. In the painting is a tree, waterfall and mountain. Two people are in the painting, a teacher and his student. The teacher sits in the park and looks at the beautiful waterfall. His thoughts are deep. This painting is brown, blue and green. It is not only beautiful, but also high quality.

This painting is by the Southern Song Dynasty painter Ma Yuan. His paintings are really good, especially his landscapes. He was born in Hangzhou and his family is all artists. Ma Yuan was the favorite painter of Emperor Guangzong. I chose this picture because I like nature. I think this picture looks real, you think you are close to nature. I also like to look at waterfalls and mountains.

I would like to sit in the park. It looks like the teacher is extremely calm. The environment is not busy, but very comfortable, with a little wind. There is very fresh air, and no pollution. If I was in this painting, I would like to sit next to the teacher and look at the waterfall. I would be extremely quiet and peaceful, and become part of nature. In general, I love this picture; it is very interesting and very beautiful.