Grace Kim





   Shen Zhou’s《落花诗意图》is very beautiful and simple. The painting has a lot of light colors, like the white, blue, and yellow. But the tree in the center of the painting is a profound dark green. There are also three mountains in the background of the painting. There is a lot of fog in front of the mountain, so you cannot see the whole mountain. At the bottom of the mountain, there is a river. On top of the boulders, there is an old man and also many small, red flowers.

   Shen Zhou was a famous Chinese landscape painter in the Ming Dynasty. His family was very rich, so he had a good education in art. Ever since he was a child, he knew a lot of history and classics, and he painted in the style of the Yuan Dynasty. Shen Zhou thought of his paintings as a kind of meditation, rather than a career. I chose this painting because I like the colors in the painting, especially the dark green of trees.

   There are a lot of trees and stones in the painting, but the old man seems to be very lonely. The trees and the mountain are a lot taller than the man as well. Shen Zhou believed painting to be a form of meditation, so maybe the old man on the boulder is meditating as well. This painting also seems mysterious because the fog hides the mountains. I like quiet places, so I want to go to this place.

Grace Kim

Paintings of Mountains and Waters

 金雪松(Grace Kim)

        中国的山水绘画是传统的画. 即使他的历史长, 现在也非常有名. 我拿上面的画来说吧. 首先, 这幅画是朦胧诗人画的. 朦胧诗人不是他的真的名字, 是他的笔名. 他是1965年生的, 而且是跟他的伯父涂克学画画.

这幅画是用毛笔和墨水画的, 所以只是黑和白. 这幅画的后面都是高山, 前面都是草,树,和河流. 左边有一个人在划小船. 那个时代的时候划船是他们的交通, 所以我觉得那个人在划船去另一个地方.  我觉得这幅画很特别因为左边和右边给我的感觉不一样. 右边非常复杂,但是左边非常平静,而且有点儿孤独. 总体来讲, 我喜欢这幅画因为这不但给我很平静的感觉, 而且反映那时代的生活.

这幅画反映那时代中国对山和水的想法. 在历史上, 中国认为山是个神圣的地方,是个神仙的家园, 所以离天空非常近.  山还可以挡住风, 所以可以保留地球的重要本质. 而且如果有水, 就会收集地球的重要本质和人们的财富. 了解中国的艺术的传统和风俗, 我们就会知道中国重视高山和水流.

Chinese mountain and water paintings are a traditional painting. Although its history is long, it is still very famous. Let’s take the painting above to talk about it. First of all, this painting is drawn by Meng Long poet. Meng Long is not his real name, it is his pen name. He was born in 1965 and he learned to draw from his uncle Tu Ke.

This painting is painted with a brush and ink, so it has only black and white colors. The back side is filled with high mountains and the front side is filled with grasses, trees, and water. There is a person rowing a small boat on the left side of the painting. During that period, rowing the boat was their main transportation, so I think the person in the painting is rowing the boat to go to a different place. I believe this painting is very special because the left side and the right side of the painting give me different feelings. The right side if very complex, but the left side is very calm and lonely. Overall, I like this painting because it not only gives me calm feelings, but also reflects the life of that era.

This painting reflects the idea China had towards mountains and water during that period. In history, China believes that mountain is a sacred place and a home to gods and goddesses, so it should be close from the sky. Mountains can also block the wind, so it preserves the important nature of the earth. Moreover, if there is water, then it also collects the crucial nature of the Earth and people’s wealth. By understanding the traditions and customs of Chinese art, we will realize that China attaches great importance to the mountains and waters.