


Emory University

在2005年的时候 ,我参加了 Piedmont Project。这个项目 是 Emory大学鼓励各科系的老师将自己学教学科与环境保护作结合。从那时一直到现在,这个使命一直存在我的教学之中。我不但尽量融合环保于中文教学之中,也鼓励学生做相关的期末报告或学习活动。因此,这些年来我集结了不少的材料,现在能够以博客的形式出现。

在这博客中,我用它来作为教学上的补充教材。我尽量每周能够抽出部分时间,把博客的一些内容与学生分享。由于电子书的内容里包括了不同的体裁,如诗、成语、短片论文、小小说、新闻报道、影评、采访等等。学生在 其中不但学习了环境保护与动物保护的知识,同时他们也可以学习到中文写作不同体裁的样式是什么。所以,他们如果要写作,也能够获得很好的示范,可谓是 一箭双雕。

这个博客在内容的安排上是由浅到难,基本上可以适用于中级班201/202,高级班301/302,华裔班203/303,甚至401都可以。教师们可以依据学生的程度,选择适合的体裁与内容,给学生增加阅读的能力,同时增进学生对环境保护与 动物保护的意识这博客能够呈现,我要感谢几位学生的帮助。如王熹、纪有容、何岳林、盛嘉爽、韓載荷,她们在生词的编排上,尤其贡献良多。我也要特别感谢Professor Anne Kelly,她把整个博客内容中的英文部分进行校对,也非常感谢乐琼教授在教学中使用这个博客,并在过程中提供很多宝贵的意见。如果您有任何的建议,请指教。我的电邮是 :who [at] emory [dot] edu. 谢谢!



Emory University

在2005年的時候 ,我參加了 Piedmont Project。這個項目 是 Emory大學鼓勵各科系的老師將自己學教學科與環境保護作結合。從那時一直到現在,這個使命一直存在我的教學之中。我不但盡量融合環保於中文教學之中,也鼓勵學生做相關的期末報告或學習活動。因此,這些年來我集結了不少的材料,現在能夠以博客的形式出現。

在這博客中,我用它來作為教學上的補充教材。我盡量每周能夠抽出部分時間,把博客的一些內容與學生分享。由於電子書的內容裡包括了不同的體裁,如詩、成語、短片論文、小小說、新聞報道、影評、採訪等等。學生在 其中不但學習了環境保護與動物保護的知識,同時他們也可以學習到中文寫作不同體裁的樣式是什麼。所以,他們如果要寫作,也能夠獲得很好的示范,可謂是 一箭雙雕。

這個博客在內容的安排上是由淺到難,基本上可以適用於中級班201/202,高級班301/302,華裔班203/303,甚至401都可以。教師們可以依據學生的程度,選擇適合的體裁與內容,給學生增加閱讀的能力,同時增進學生對環境保護與 動物保護的意識這博客能夠呈現,我要感謝幾位學生的幫助。如王熹、紀有容、何岳林、盛嘉爽、韓載荷,她們在生詞的編排上,尤其貢獻良多。我也要特別感謝Professor Anne Kelly,她把整個博客內容中的英文部分進行校對,也非常感謝樂瓊教授在教學中使用這個博客,並在過程中提供很多寶貴的意見。如果您有任何的建議,請指教。我的電郵是 :who [at] emory [dot] edu. 謝謝!

 Introduction for Environmental Chinese (Chinese Learning and Environmental Protection)

Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D

Emory University

In 2003, I attended the Emory Piedmont Project. This project was intended to encourage instructors from all academic fields to integrate both environmental concerns and pedagogical creativity into their teaching. Since then, I have carried that mission into my own teaching. I am very grateful to Emory University for granting me the Winship Award in 2009. This award allowed me to research and collect the environmentally-focused content necessary for my blog, which combines both students’ and published works.

I use this blog as supplementary material to my teaching. Every week, I spend some class time sharing some of the contents of the blog with my students. This blog includes many genres of text, such as classical poetry, idioms, short essays, children’s stories, casual notes, journal reports, movie critiques, and interviews. Not only can students become more aware of environmental and animal protection, but they can also gain knowledge of different Chinese writing genres, which clearly benefits their writing ability.

I have arranged the content of the blog in order from easiest to most difficult. It is suitable for intermediate Chinese (201/202), advanced Chinese (301/302), advanced Chinese for heritage speakers (203/303), and arguably also for Advanced Reading in Modern Chinese (401). By employing this blog, the instructor can choose a genre of content suitable to the students’ level to enhance the students’ reading and writing ability and increase their awareness of environmental and animal protection.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank several students who helped me tremendously in the process of completing this blog: Wang Xi, Yeou-Rong Jih, Jacqueline Ho, Sheng Jiashuang, Jaeha Han. I would also like to thank Professor Anne Kelley who contributed greatly to the English editing of the content of this blog and Professor Yue Qiong for her valuable suggestions. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. My email is: who [at] emory [dot] edu. Thank you.