A mixed-methods formative evaluation of a dementia-friendly congregation program for Black churches. Gore, J., Tolliver, J., Moore, M.A., Aycock, D., & Epps, F. (2022). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8).
Experiences of Black American dementia caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oliver, S., Alexander, K., Bennett, S., Hepburn, K., Henry, J., Clevenger, C., & Epps, F. (2022, online). Journal of Family Nursing.
“Falling between the cracks”: Experiences of Black dementia caregivers navigating U.S. health systems. Alexander, K., Oliver, S., Henry, J., Bennett, S., Clevenger, C., Hepburn, K., & Epps, F. (2022, online). Journal of American Geriatrics Society.
The Alter Program: A nurse-led, dementia-friendly program for African American faith communities and families living with dementia. Epps, F., Moore, M., Chester, M., Gore, J., Sainz, M., Adkins, A., Clevenger, C., & Aycock, D. (2021). Nursing Administration Quarterly, 46(1), 72-80.
Decline in religiosity: A public health crisis. Boateng, A., Britt, K., Schwartz, B., Xiao, C., Oh, H., & Epps, F. (2021, online). Journal of Community and Public Health Nursing, 7(11).
“Everything is either sent by God or used by God”: An exploratory study on the impact of COVID-19 upon the religious lives of Black families living with dementia. Ge, Y., Sainz, M., Gore, J., & Epps, F. (2021, online). Journal of Religion and Health.
Using poetry as data to explore daily and formal care decision-making within African American dementia dyads. Bonds, K., Epps, F., Song, M., Lyons, K., & Driessnack, M. (2021, online). Geriatric Nursing.
Perceptions and attitudes toward dementia in predominantly African American congregants. Epps, F., Foster, K., Alexander, K., Brewster, G., Chester M., Thornton, J., & Aycock, D. (2021, online). Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Promoting dementia awareness in African American faith communities. Epps, F., Alexander, K., Brewster, G., Parker, L., Chester, M., Tomlinson, A., Adkins, A., Zingg, S., Thornton, J. (2020). Public Health Nursing, 37(5), 715-721.
Designing worship services to support African American persons living with dementia. Epps, F., Choe, J., Alexander, K., & Brewster, G. (2020). Journal of Religion and Health, 59(4), 2163-2176.
Missing the mark: The complexity of African American dementia caregiving. Brewster, G., Bonds, K., Moss, K., McLennon, S., Epps, F., & Lopez, R. (2020, online). Journal of Family Nursing.
A dementia-friendly church: How can the African American church support families affected by dementia. Epps, F., Heidbreder, V., Alexander, K., Tomlinson, A., Freeman, V., & Williams, N. (2020, online). Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice.
Broadening research and practice approaches to assessing religiosity in African American older adults. Epps, F., Skipper, A., Williams, I.C. (2020). Research in Gerontological Nursing, 13(4), 170-172.
The importance of religiosity to the well-being of African American older adults living with dementia. Epps, F., & Williams, I.C. (2020). Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Dementia-friendly faith village worship services to support African American families: Research protocol. Epps, F., Brewster, G., Alexander, K., Choe, J., Heidbreder, V., & Hepburn, K. (2019). Research in Nursing and Health, 42(3), 189-197.
Who’s your family: African American caregivers of older adults with dementia. Epps, F., Rose, K., Lopez, R. (2019). Research in Gerontological Nursing, 12(1), 20-26.
“It’s just part of life”: African-American daughters’ caregiving for parents with Alzheimer’s disease. McLennon, S., Anderson, J., Epps, F., & Rose, K. (2018, online). Journal of Women and Aging.
Challenges to aging in place for African Americans living with dementia and their families. Epps, F., Rudell, G., Graham, E., & Luster, D. (2018). Geriatric Nursing, 39, 646-652.
How do we promote health? From the words of African American elders with dementia and their family members. Epps, F., Skemp, L., & Specht, J. (2016). Research in Gerontological Nursing, 9(6), 278-287.
Using culturally informed strategies to enhance recruitment of African Americans in dementia research: A nurse researcher’s experience. Epps, F., Skemp, L., & Specht, J. (2015). Journal of Research Practice, 11(1), Article M2.
A closer look at religiosity among family caregivers. Epps, F. (2015). Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 27 (2-3), 166-182.
The relationship between family obligation and religiosity on caregiving. Epps, F. (2014). Geriatric Nursing, 35 (2), 126-131.