An audiovisual piece by EEE-member Sasha Tycko (as one-half of the artist duo sacha) will be live-streamed at the virtual opening of the art show “Data as Symbolic Form/Exchange” on Saturday 7/18/20.

“http:// Data as Symbolic Form/Exchange”
Saturday July 18, 2020
4:00 EST
Streamed at
of the body that carries it is an audiovisual take on the form of the DJ mix and an interrogation of the historic practice of sampling Black female diva vocals in dance music. With testimony from Loleatta Holloway, “the most sampled voice in dance music,” who drank coffee laced with VapoRub to record the 30 vocal takes for “Love Sensation,” and who sued the Italian group Black Box for sampling and lip syncing to a barely modified remix of the same song. Black female fleshly materiality becomes sound becomes sample(d) becomes the occasion to dance. What sensations and memories are (re)produced? Interrogating the phonic materiality of the scream as simultaneously performing and reenacting creation and destruction, the video is comprised of layers including the soundtrack’s visual feedback, two and three dimensional animation, and archival material.
sacha is the audiovisual collaboration of Sasha Tycko and Chaski So. The artists’ collaboration took the form of the remix: sending audio back and forth, working and reworking each other’s tracks to revere and overcome the sharp edges of mine and yours.
http:// “Data as Symbolic Form/Exchange” explores the database as the model for a new form of cultural and personal memory. The interactive online art show will feature work by over 30 new media artists from several continents. http://hypertransfer-protocol is an artist-run platform for the development of media art publications and remote exhibitions. http:// aims to continuously dematerialize and distribute interdisciplinary works made by underrepresented artists through information exchanges that flow freely.