Accessing PitchBook on and off campus

PitchBook’s annual account reset requires all users to renew their account. When you see a red message saying your account is inactive, don’t worry, you won’t lose any of your saved lists or searches!

Steps to reset your account:

On campus:

  1. Clear your cache
  2. Go to
  3. Choose the Create an Account button on the PitchBook page. (see image 1 below)
  4. Register using the same email you used previously. (If this is your first time creating an account, use your email)
  5. Check your email for a reset email from clientservices [at] pitchbook [dot] com.
  6. Reset your password following the link in that email. (see image 2 below)
  7. If you encounter a password reset loop, Email support [at] pitchbook [dot] com with the subject “Emory University – Microsite issues” and they will complete your password reset.
  8. Clear your cache again, or open an incognito browser
  9. Open the Pitchbook database page, authenticate with your NetID/password, and log in to PitchBook using your new PitchBook password
  10. Now that you’ve reset your account/password on campus, you should be able to access off campus

Off campus:

  1. If the database page link does not let you access PitchBook off campus, access via VPN:

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