Find companies with US and Global locations using new features in Uniworld

Do you have work authorization in countries other than the US and wish to work in the US? Are you looking to work internationally and have US work authorization? Uniworld will let you build target lists of firms with headquarters, regional offices, and other locations in multiple countries. Their recently added new search features allow Read More …

This Day in Business History: Facebook IPOs

May 18 2012: Facebook started trading on NASDAQ as FB, with common stock priced at $38 per share. This gave Facebook a $104B valuation, nearly four times Google’s $23B valuation at it’s 2004 IPO. The IPO was notable for more than its size; as technical glitches at NASDAQ later led to lawsuits from shareholders. Sources:  Read More …

This Day in Business History: The Chunnel Opens

May 6, 1994: The “Chunnel,” a rail tunnel under the English Channel, officially opened. This 31 mile tunnel connects Folkstone, England with Sangatte, France.  Construction began in 1988, with drilling commencing from both countries.  The tunnel goes down as far as 50 feet deep, and the underwater section is 23.5 miles, the longest undersea tunnel in Read More …

Career Research Tip: First Research for Industry Insights

First Research provides industry overviews on 200+ sectors, including small and niche industries. Content includes industry overview, forecast, key and challenges, trends, financial performance, and more. First Research also links to related industry associations and publications, government data and other recommended sources.   Unique to First Research are three sections especially useful as you think about Read More …

Library Resources for Summer Internship Success

As you head off to your internship this summer, remember your librarians are here all summer and happy to help you with research recommendations and search strategies for your projects. You can get started with our internship toolkit. Remember that due to Emory’s database licensing agreements you cannot use library databases at your internship.  Be Read More …