Congratulations to Gerardo Lab seniors Itai Doron, Greg Fricker, and Brandon Smith (Brandon is in the center of the below photo from Biology graduation party).
Author Archives: ngerard
Greg wins Stokes award
Ph.D. candidate Erica
Erica Harris successfully passed her qualifying exam for her Ph.D. candidacy. She will be developing her research on the monarch butterfly microbiome and its role in disease. This is a collaborative project between our lab and the lab of Jaap de Roode.
undergrad research symposium
sean carroll, the story teller and evolutionary biologist
in the news
Work on aphid-symbiont-ladybird beetle interactions by former postdoc Jen Kovacs (now at Spelman College) and former undergrad Kelly Costopoulos (now attending medical school) was featured in Entomology Today.
highest honors for greg
dr. justine
mycrobes takes to the park
The Gerardo lab participated in the second annual Atlanta Science Festival this weekend. At the expo, members of the lab cultured 400 plates of Luria Broth agar with members of the Atlanta community. Participants swabbed hands, ear, noses, cell phones and the bottoms of their shoes. Check out to see what grows.
justine is an early career scientist
Graduate student Justine Garcia participated in the University of Michigan’s Early Career Scientists Symposium last weekend. The invitation to speak was quite an honor. Meghan Duffy (U. Mich) sent this picture from the audience.