Words of Wisdom

To find out more about the transition from graduate school to a postdoctoral position, I interviewed a number of colleagues at Emory University whose research is in the realm of ecology and evolutionary biology. Some interviewees were previously graduate students in PBEE at Emory who continued on to academic postdoctoral positions elsewhere. Others are currently postdocs at Emory who completed their graduate work at other universities. I am also happy to note that nearly all of them are women.

Click on an image below to see what they each had to say:

Dr. Amanda Pierce
Dr. Amanda Pierce, PBEE (2015), advised by: Dr. Jaap de Roode
Currently a postdoc at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

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Dr. Justine Garcia, PBEE (2015), advised by: Dr. Nicole Gerardo
Currently a postdoc at Washington University in St. Louis

Dr. Ben Parker, PBEE (2013), advised by: Dr. Nicole Gerardo
Currently a postdoc at the University of Oxford, UK

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Dr. Eleanore Sternberg, PBEE (2012), advised by: Dr. Jaap de Roode
Currently a postdoc at the Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Erika M. Diaz-Almeyda, PhD from the Pennsylvania State University
Currently a postdoc at Emory University in the lab of Dr. Nicole Gerardo

Dr. Karen Bell, PhD in Entomology from the University of Queensland, Australia
Currently a postdoc at Emory University in the lab of Dr. Berry Brosi

Some anonymous advice from Dr. Scientist.