Category Archives: Uncategorized

Child Demon

To create this I used Adobe photoshop. This idea of having a demonic child behind the curtain sprung from an irrational fear that someone is going to pop up behind me when I look at a mirror. The child in … Continue reading

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Harry Potter’s Reading Room

  A librarian who wishes to remain unnamed snapped this photo of the reading room on a hidden camera. Rumor has it that Harry Potter’s ghost roams the reading room in our very own library when nobody’s around. The evidence … Continue reading

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Cat Colony Found on the Moon

This evening images from the moon were revealed to the general public from NASA, astonishing many. This image was fairly easy to create after searching through YouTube ‘how to’ videos. However, the actual quality of the photo isn’t great, as … Continue reading

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When editing this picture, I used an app on my phone called ghost camera; which made things easier by allowing me to insert a ghostly figure into the picture. The most difficult part when making this was trying to get … Continue reading

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First Successful Face-Swap Showcases New Medical Advances

I used an app on the iPhone app store called “Face Swap” which is programmed to recognize two faces and swap them and match proportions. It was almost too easy and it created such accurate looking heads that I had … Continue reading

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Invisible woman: what lies behind the frame?

The most difficult part in creating this image was conjuring something that would strike viewers as unusual, yet still maintaining a level of refinery to make it conceivable. I chose to play on the superhero idea of the “Invisible Woman”, leaving … Continue reading

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Lending a helping hand?

This image was actually really easy to make since it was accidentally created when my friend tried to take a panoramic picture of the Emory sign and I walked in front of it. As a result, my hand is eerily detached … Continue reading

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Ghosts on the Run?

I honestly have no idea how to use PhotoShop, so I decided to look for an app that would create a supernatural effect in my picture. I found one called Ghost Effects and used it to insert a ghost hand … Continue reading

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Holograms in the Library?

In the Library, I was looking over my homework thinking on how I might go about doctoring an image, considering my very limited computer skills. So I returned to the knowledge my eighth grade self had gained, and used photo booth effects … Continue reading

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Kayaking at Night

Sitting out in the middle of a lake on kayaks, my friend and I decided to document our moonlight expedition. After paddling out as far away from shore as possible, we took this picture. I decided to incorporate the ghost … Continue reading

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