Extravaganza, digital story screening event for JPN202 and JPN302 were held on April 29th, the last day of Spring semester 2013.
In JPN202, students made digital story movies to introduce their favorite sights or the cultural differences between Japan and their cultures. Two movies each were chosen from three sections of JPN202. The following are the six finalists. We enjoyed viewing all of the movies!!
- Cheng Yue 清水寺(きよみずでら)
- Jiang Xinyi ウィリスタワー
- Nie Jiayi 張家界(ちょうかかい)
- Sun Shine 東京大神宮(とうきょうだいじんぐう)
- Wang Sijia お笑い(おわらい)
- Williams Denton ルーブル美術館(びじゅつかん)