The Koelle lab enjoyed our time at the Epidemics Conference in (North) Charleston, SC. Katia was announced as co-Editor in Chief of the Epidemics journal.So much for a hike! Koelle lab goes duck pin bowling instead of braving 40 degree winter weather in Atlanta!The Koelle lab goes apple-picking… kind of. Apple-picking out of bins full of apples.Pascual lab reunion at the Santa Fe Institute! Left to right: Pamela Martinez Vargas, Mercedes Pascual, Sarah Cobey, Katia Koelle. Red? Green? Xmas!Molly, Jeremy, and Brent attended workshops at the University of Washington in the Summer Institute for Statistics and Modeling of Infectious Disease.Brent and Molly presented posters at the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases conference in Glasgow, Scotland in May, 2018. And got in a bit of hiking too.Brent passed his qualifying examinations, entered doctoral candidacy, AND was awarded the PBEE Scholar of the Year Award in Spring 2018. This could all have been anticipated in 6th grade.Diana and Molly living it up in Barcelona before the Epidemics meeting in Sitges.