I think that the Paragon Learning Style described me perfectly: my results pegged me as an INFP. Interestingly, the Jung typology test results showed me as a INFJ. Either way, it identified the I am a usually very enthusiastic, good with people, and oriented toward cooperative things vs. competitive things. This matched well with the results of the Blake and Mouton Leadership assessment which put me in the Team Leader section of the graph. Although I have never thought of myself as a team leader per se, I can see this in that I am not only concerned with the end result, but hope for all participants to reach their highest potential. I think that is why I love Emory so much: people at Emory are all high achievers and are working toward and reaching their highest potential every day. I was a little surprised at the results of the Left-Brain/Right-Brain test. I see myself as primarily right brain: creative and more spontaneous and feeling than logical and meticulous. But the results showed me to be right in the middle, balancing the free-flowing right brain with the left brain that tries to make sense of everything. I like those results very much because I think it fits into the role of a team leader and being innovative yet practical at the same time,
Recent Comments
Olga, Great combination of traits for faculty excellence!
Dr. W.