Single Molecule Fluorescence

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is used in our lab to mainly get the topography images of QD or other nanoparticles. The AFM tip can be modified to manipulate – pickup, push, pull nanoparticles. Often fluorescence and AFM measurements are done simultaneously or subsequently to get get the fluorescence and topography images.




Selected Publications

Liu, Z., Ricks, A. M., Wang, H., Song, N., Fan, F., Zou, S., & Lian, T. High-Resolution Imaging of Electric Field Enhancement and Energy-Transfer Quenching by a Single Silver Nanowire Using QD-Modified AFM TipsJ. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2013, 4, 2284-2291.
  Liu, Z., Zhu, H., Song, N., & Lian, T. Probing Spatially Dependent PhotoinducedCharge Transfer Dynamics to TiO2 Nanoparticles Using Single Quantum Dot Modified Atomic Force Microscopy TipsNano Lett, 2013,13, 5563-5569.

Other Research Fields


Sum Frenquency Generation

Transient absorption/reflection spectroscopy (in visible and IR


Electric Field Induced Second harmonic generation


Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy