Meet Max! Max, at 9 years old, is the senior cat in our household. He doesn’t seem that old to us because we’ve had cats that lived ‘til 16 and 17.
We’ve had Max since he was a baby, literally. One evening we were sitting in our living room on a July evening and heard a tiny animal noise that sounded like squeaking. We opened the door to our front porch and but could find nothing. We thought possibly it was a bird. We went to bed that night, but I found it hard to put out of my head.

The next evening the noise was back but this time it was easily identifiable as a kitten. We looked again and finally found a tiny kitten crouched in the drawer of an old armoire we had put on the front porch. It took us about two days to get our hands on the poor little kitten, but we finally did. He was tiny! He could not have been more than 4-5 weeks old.
We brought him in the house and kept him in the living room with the doors shut so he didn’t give our other cats the fleas he was covered in. He was starving so we gave him canned cat food softened even more with some water, so he’d get some extra hydration. He was so small that his big ears took over his entire face. After a flea bath, Max and my husband became fast buddies.

Max is the sweetest cat we’ve ever had. Wouldn’t hurt a flea, literally! We’ve since brought home several other cats, and Max immediately makes friends with them all. Max now weighs around 16-18 lbs. and is a far cry from the tiny kitten we discovered on our front porch that summer night. His favorite thing to do is go out on the front lawn and eat grass. He’s the only male in a house full of female cats but he’s the sweetest by far!
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