Author: Khadijah Muhammad
Upcoming FSAP Programs
The Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) announces the following upcoming programs. Wednesday, November 18, 4:00pm-5:00pm – Rethinking Drinking & Other Substance Use During the Pandemic – Are you or a loved one drinking more during COVID-19? You/they are not alone. Recent statistics show increased use of alcohol and other drugs, which has been attributed to…
LITS SCA nominations due July 31
As a reminder, Friday, July 31 is the deadline to submit nominations for the 2019/20 LITS Significant Contribution Awards (SCAs). This is our annual opportunity to recognize our most significant contributions toward LITS objectives and Emory’s mission. To submit a nomination for an individual who has made exceptional contributions, including those whose contributions were related to a team…
Final LITS performance management virtual training is next week
This is a friendly reminder that the final 2020 LITS Performance Management virtual training will take place at 11:00 am on May 27. 2020 LITS Performance Management Virtual Training: May 27, 11:00 – noon, The training content will focus on three things in particular: New Senior Leadership Competencies (just introduced this year) How to…
Emory benefits enrollment ends Monday, November 12
Held October 29 through November 12, 2018, annual enrollment provides you with an opportunity to review your current benefits and make changes for the upcoming year (January 1 – December 31, 2019). You can select your medical plan and select or make changes to other benefits such as dental, vision, life insurance and more. This…
Important performance management update
You should have received an automated email from the PeopleSoft system announcing that the FY19 performance management forms have been created for you. As you may recall, with the upgrade to PeopleSoft 9.2, the performance management process is now a year-round process that is initiated at the beginning of the fiscal year and includes a…
Award of Distinction Call for Nominations
Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2018 Emory Award of Distinction. As you may recall, as part of our Significant Contribution Award (SCA) process, a subset of the winners could be submitted for the Award of Distinction. However, since the timeline for soliciting Award of Distinction nominations has been moved from the usual timing in…
Workplace safety active shooter training in Woodruff Library Jones Room
LITS HR and Operations & Access Services has arranged for the Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response (CEPAR) and Emory Police Department (EPD) to provide training on workplace safety – active shooter. Angela Adam, Emory CEPAR and Jay Schmahl, EPD will be the presenters. Two training sessions will be offered as follows: Monday, August…