Discovering Atlanta: Illustrated History of Atlanta

by Sara Logue, Research and Public Services Archivist, MARBL Being the newest member of the staff at the Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library (MARBL), and a recent transplant to Atlanta, I'm excited, and somewhat overwhelmed by, the amazing history of this city and the south as a whole. I'm originally from the northeast, and Read More …

Art Theorists of the Italian Renaissance full-text ONLINE with rare editions in MARBL

Art Theorists of the Italian Renaissance is a collection of treatises on art and architecture from the period 1470 to 1775, and is structured around Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists.   Emory’s Woodruff library has owned the CD-ROM since 1998, but those in the Emory Community now have online access at The collection of Read More …

New acquisition of illustrated prayer book manuscript, 1575

MARBL has just acquired a personalized Jesuit prayer book in manuscript incorporating devotional prints: [JESUIT MANUSCRIPT PRAYER BOOK]. Libellus Piarum Precum… [Trier?], colophon: 1575.   “What’s interesting about this ‘Trier’ manuscript”, comments Professor Walter Melion, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Art History,  “is that the illustrations–woodblocks and engravings–are printed on the same paper as the Read More …