A blog about haikai/haiku 俳諧•俳句 and premodern Japanese literature and culture in general, by C A Crowley, Associate Professor of Japanese Literature at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, USA.
I am also interested in:
racial justice
brush calligraphy
the discipline of writing
the early modern period and literature by women
premodern Chinese poetry
East Asian studies
Asian-American studies
the history of Emory’s contacts with East Asia
radio and history of radio
The title of this blog alludes to Oku no hosomichi 奥の細道, arguably the most famous work by the most famous haiku poet, Matsuo Bashô 松尾芭蕉 (1644-1694). The title has long been translated into English as “the narrow road to the deep north.” Here in Atlanta, the deep South of the United States, my students and I also think about the kinds of things that Bashô and his disciples + fans talked and wrote about. Like them, we are on journeys — even those who are mainly in one place are always moving through time, through words, and most recently through pixels. We are connected, for better or worse, and can learn a lot from one another.

Luna doesn’t care about blogs.
Emory’s Statement Committing to Justice
The Emory community is open to all who have a commitment to the highest ideals of intellectual engagement, critical inquiry and integrity. We welcome a diversity of gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, disabilities, ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, religious, national, and international backgrounds, believing that the academic and social energy that results from such diversity is essential to advancing knowledge, addressing society’s most pressing issues, and attending to the full spectrum of human needs in service to the common good.