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Parisian Basketball: Where’s the ball?

I love basketball. Beyond the flashy dunks and glitzy ego-driven trash talk lies sophistication and balance. The harmonious and smooth movement of the ball around the player and around the court can be mesmerizing. However, while fancy dribbling and acrobatic athleticism may inundate the highlight reels, the true beauty of the game lies in the simple versatility of ball movement, or in other words, how you handle the basketball while on the court. How can we move the ball without making a mistake and giving the other team a chance to take it back? This question came to mind when I stepped on the court a few days ago. Since being in Paris, I knew I would miss the game too much to stop myself from playing: I had to play, even if I couldn’t speak the language. Lucky for me, I found a small park across the street from the Cite U. with a basketball court. Without saying a word, I pointed to the ball and then pointed to myself. The guys on the court nodded their heads in approval as I stepped up and played in a game.

Parisian Basketball Court

While I was a bit anxious to be playing in another country in a game that requires teamwork and communication, all the stress faded away as I caught a pass and put up an easy open shot close to the rim. While my teammates and I couldn’t really say much of anything to each other, we were in perfect unison. We knew what we were all doing as we were scrambling around the court, trying to deceive our opponents with subtle movements and sharp explosions for open positioning.

Good basketball isn’t precedent on what’s shown on the big screen. It’s about teamwork, and teamwork is manifested through good passing. Together as a team, we work as a cohesive unit to pass the ball before eventually shoot a high-percentage shot. What’s easier, an open shot 2 feet from the rim, or a behind the back, 360 spin shot 20 feet away? Passing is what is essential for success and playing with these guys, where grounded fundamentals overtake acrobatic athleticism, makes the game so much fun as an outsider.

So what do you need to do to make a good pass? In a game that has so many variables, it’s easy to get distracted. You have to consider so many things and not only understand the movement of your own players, but also the actions of your opponents to be able to synthesize that information and make an affirmative decision. This consideration and process is an example of working memory, or the ability to hold multiple pieces of information (i.e. position and movement of players) and then manipulate that information for further comprehension (i.e. the guy on my left will be open for a pass soon) (Furley, 2013). As much as want to retain the relevant information to make a good decision, we conversely want to exclude the unnecessary information. When playing basketball or any other goal-driven task, who cares what color someone’s eyes are or what that green stuff stuck in their teeth is. If our brains readily accepted every detail, our minds would be too overwhelmed with all that information. Therefore, we filter out what’s needed and what’s not. This process of focusing on the important stuff while paying little attention to the unimportant details that come from our senses is known as top-down modulation (Zanto, 2009). Furthermore, this modulation is greatly tied to attention and focus. Through brain scans and other neural imaging, the evidence shows that there is an overlap in activity in the brain between what we place our attention on and our working memory (Zanto, 2009). Essentially, what we choose to emphasize as important (perhaps unknowingly) in a task will be more readily recalled and available as known information.

He has him beat

What I’ve just said should make sense– if we focus on something, we are better able to hold that information and use it. So what about distractions? Do they affect our performance somehow? One study tested the effect of ignoring irrelevant information in working memory performance. In the study, subjects were shown multiple videos of moving colored dots and then tested their working memory by asking them if a sample video matched what they stored in their memory. The subjects were broken up into 3 groups: some were told to remember color (but ignore motion), others were told to remember motion (but ignore color), and some were told to remember both. By measuring the brain activity while performing these tasks, the researchers found that those that performed poorly (based on a score that factored accuracy and time to recall) showed more brain activity in areas that correlated with the characteristic they were supposed to ignore, while those that performed well showed less activity in regions of the brain they were told to ignore (Zanto, 2009). By showing more activity in regions of the brain that should not be lit up (because they are not pertinent to the task), people that performed poorly did not show significant top-down modulation (the ability to focus, but ignore extraneous information), and the researchers concluded that neural suppression (low activity) of irrelevant information correlated with greater working memory performance.

To tie this back to basketball, making a good pass takes a lot of concentration, but it also requires factoring out what doesn’t matter. I would say this ability to discern what does and does not matter comes from experience and practice. By knowing what cues indicate an opening and what works and does not, basketball players are able to discern what information is necessary and what isn’t to make the right pass. Playing with the Parisians in a universal game was so much fun because they knew what passes to make and how to run around the court so that the ball could seamlessly move around the court and into the hoop. By ignoring the irrelevant information, which becomes more obvious through experience, they were perhaps able to optimize their working memory by effectively processing the important information to make the right pass and get the easy basket. As someone that can’t speak a lick of French, it’s weird how my team understood exactly what I was doing when I would be running on the court, looking for a pass. It seems like my body language was saying all it needed to say to play the game. How cool is that?

~Sam Yang


Furley P, Memmert D (2013). “Whom should I pass to?” the more options the more attentional guidance from working memory. PLoS ONE 8 (5):e62278.

Zanto TP, Gazzaley A (2009). Neural suppresion of irrelevant information underlies optimal working memory performance. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 29 (10): 3059-3066.

Want to Remember Paris? Take a Nap!

Since arriving in Paris I have immersed myself in a lesser-known aspect of French culture – Naps. 

While not as famous as the country’s delicious food and fine wine, the French nap, particularly when enjoyed on the banks of the Seine River or on a bus ride through Loire Valley, is a key part of the French lifestyle. In fact, napping is so important to the French that recently their minister of health, Xavier Betrand proposed that they schedule Spanish-esque siestas into the normal workday to increase napping-opportunities. He even suggested that these siestas count as paid work hours!

So, with much determination, I have subjected myself to a grueling routine of daily naps, often conveniently located at some of Paris’s most beautiful landmarks. But unfortunately this napping regime takes time, and since I’m not receiving health minister Betrand’s proposed nap-time monetary reimbursement, I needed to do some research to see if my dedication to the French culture was worth the time away from my neuroscience studies.

It turns out that napping could very well be helping my academics! There have actually been many research studies that show significant increases in ability of individuals to remember facts when they take a brief nap after learning new information. 

So what is a nap?

View of the Seine from behind Notre Dame. Location of a wonderful nap in the sun.

In order to understand the research behind nap-improved memory, it’s important first that we briefly define different sleep stages, and the different types of naps associated with each.

Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (NREM): NREM sleep is comprised of 4 stages. Stage N1 is the drowsy period right at the onset of sleep. N1 is often associated with body twitches and the ability to still be somewhat aware of your surroundings. The second stage, N2, is when your muscles relax and you lose all awareness of your surroundings. This stage occupies about 40% of total sleep time. The final two stages of NREM, N3 and N4, are the deepest sleep stages and are often termed slow-wave-sleep because of their distinct shape when recorded on a electrocephologram (a machine used to measure electrical activity in the brain).

Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (REM): As the name suggest this sleep is often accompanied by rapid eye movements. Additionally, when you wake yourself up by kicking or swinging your arm it most likely occurred during REM sleep.

Long Naps: Naps that last longer than 40 minutes. Includes all stages of NREM and REM sleep. Because long naps include deep sleep phases, they are often associated with sleep inertia upon waking (the groggy-feeling where it’s difficult to get fully awake).

Short Naps: Naps between 10-40 minutes. Commonly called “power naps,” these naps normally just include stages N1 and N2, however they can include N3 if approaching 40 minutes in length. 

Ultra Short Naps: These are naps as short as 5 minutes and normally are just stage N1.

The science behind the French-nap 

Students napping on a bus ride to Loire Valley

Since sleeping between class or on a bench amongst the hubbub of tourists and street vendors doesn’t lend itself well to long naps, the majority of my sleep has been limited to 6-40 minute intervals. Interestingly, there was a study recently published in the Jounral of Sleep Research that looked at this exact length of nap and it’s effect on the ability of 18 college-age individuals to remember a list of words (Lahl et al., 2008).

The study was pretty simple, each student was given a list of thirty adjectives and told to memorize as many of them as possible. At the end of two minutes the lists were taken away and the students were broken up into 3 sleep-groups. One group was allowed to sleep for 5 minutes, another for an average of 35 minutes, and a third was not allowed to sleep at all. After 60 minutes, each student was asked to repeat the adjectives they could recall from the list. The number they remembered was recorded and averaged with the other’s in their sleep-group. This experiment was done twice more with the same students, once a week after the first test, and then again another week later. To make sure the experiment was accurate they used different word lists each time and also rotated which group slept for 6 min, 35 min, or not at all. By the end of the experiment each student had been in each sleep-group once.

The results of this experiment are great news for the French-nap! It turns out that those who took a short nap were able to remember on average 1.2 more words than those who didn’t sleep at all and students who took long naps where able to remember an average of 2.2 more words than their non-sleeping peers. While 1-2 words might not seam like a huge difference, it is considered statistically significant because of the small number of total words in each list (30 words). Also, many other sleep-memory experiments have shown similar results thus helping to confirm the data from this study (Tucker et al., 2006).

Some additional experiments have been done to show exactly how this memory-improvement occurs. When you sleep, your brain doesn’t “shut-down” like many people believe; instead parts of the brain ramp up their activity. One of these areas, the hippocampus, has been shown to be a key part of the memory-forming networks in the brain (Gorfine et al., 2007). Increasing the activity of the hippocampus during sleep is a way for our brains to rehearse the events we recently experienced, thus strengthening the connections between neurons that solidify those memories in our brain. Short bursts of sleep, such as my French-naps, are thought to specifically help in the formation of factual memories. Additional research has shown that another part of the brain, the orbitofrontalcortex, might help the hippocampus in the formation and storage of these memories (Lesburgures et al., 2011). However, this research is very recent and the connection between sleeping and its effect on the orbitofrontalcortex needs to be studied in future experiments. Until then, I’m happy to know that I now have a scientifically proven excuse to nap across Paris – I’m activating my hippocampus and helping store all of the material learned in class that day. Next stop, a nap beneath the Eiffel tower!

– Camden MacDowell

On of my many ultra short naps in the ACCENT center where we have our classes. My hippocampus is hard at work.

Works Cited

Gorfine T, Yeshurun Y, Zisapel N (2007) Nap and melatonin-induced changes in hippocampal activation and their role in verbal memory consolidation. Journal Pineal Research 43: 336-342.

Lahl O, Pietrowsky P, Wispel C, Willigens B (2008) An ultra short episode of sleep is sufficient to promote declarative memory performance. Journal of Sleep Research 17: 3-10.

Lesburgures E, Alaux-Cantin O, Bontempi B, Gobbo A, Hambucken A, Trifilieff P (2011) Early tagging of cortical networks is required for the formation of enduring associative memory. Science 331, 924-928.

Tucker M., Chaklader A, Fishbein W, Hirota Y, Lau H, Warnseley E (2006) A daytime nap containing solely non-REM sleep enhances declarative but not procedural memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 86: 241-247

Music at Notre Dame

Before coming to Paris, there was one trip I knew I absolutely wanted to make: a visit Notre Dame. I spent the previous spring semester reading a few pages every night of Victor Hugo’s unabridged Hunchback of Notre Dame, and I was hooked. Of course the hunchbacked madly-in-love Quasimodo didn’t exist, nor did the dashing dusky beauty Esmeralda or the creepily obsessive Frollo, but still the book stirred a deep interest in visiting the ancient cathedral. I yearned to visit the chiseled stone, to see the spires where Quasimodo was fabled to have climbed, to roam the streets that Esmeralda looked down upon from her cage in the towers. Notre Dame had a fairy tale appeal, except unlike in fantasies, this one is real, and it was waiting for me.
Unfortunately the church wasn’t on our list of scheduled sites, so I just had to go visit it on my own. After class one day, a few friends and I took the metro over to bask in the ambience of Notre Dame. It’s in the heart of Paris, situated on a small island called Île de la Cité, or ‘Island of the City,’ surrounded by the river Seine. A screenshot of Google Maps below will help draw the picture (‘A’ is Notre Dame):
Crossing the river, my jaw dropped as my eyes flew up—I could finally see the renowned towers with my very own eyes!

The building was enormous, and of course stunning. Above and around the ornate doors were statues representing biblical images in breathtaking detail.

The line to enter was extremely long, and we had plans later that evening, so we decided to take a stroll around the church instead. Just as we turned the corner, we saw a young man walk up the sidewalk with a giant instrument case. He sat on a folding stool and pulled out stringed instrument resembling a cross between a lyre and a guitar. What happened next blew me away: he began plucking his instrument, and melodious music filled with the regality and crispness of the Renaissance period flooded the street.

Hopefully the link below works…it may take a second to load.

Click here to watch him perform!

I felt a wave of relief pass over me, like nothing in this world could deter my peace at that moment. All of my worries and problems seemed to melt away in the little time I stood there, listening to him play music from the past. Overhead loomed the elegant spires of Notre Dame, and the combination of church and music was unreal. I couldn’t leave without giving him some change, knowing all too well that the amount I spared can never match the amount of joy he gave.

Researching our body’s response to music, I realized why I felt so much happiness just standing there listening to the musician. A study by Salimpoor et al. focused on dopamine, a chemical sent between nerve cells in the brain that is involved with experiencing pleasure (2011). Previous research has shown that dopamine is released in a region of the brain called the mesolimbic system, which is involved in motivation and feelings of reward (Schott et al., 2008). Humans gain pleasure not only from eating food and social interaction, things necessary for survival of prehistoric mankind, but also from “abstract stimuli, such as music and art” (Salimpoor et al., 2011).
This study tried to determine the role of dopamine released during “moments of extreme pleasure,” in this case listening to music. The downside is that pleasure is hard to quantify. To overcome this issue, the researchers looked at the bodily changes accompanying pleasurable sensations, like the “chills” that people feel when listening to certain types of music. The good kind of course, not the creepy kind. To get these chills, participants in the experiment listened to music that they liked. Chills can elicit changes in heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. By studying these changes, researchers can thus use an objective phenomenon (chills) to describe a subjective experience (pleasure). Lastly, to record dopamine release, the researchers used positron emission tomography (PET) scans, a lab technique that basically images the brain using radiographic tracers.
Enough of the background stuff, let’s get into the real experiment. Participants either listened to neutral music, or music they liked. They also gave subjective responses to their chills, like the number of times they occurred and how intense they felt.  Compared to those that listened to neutral music, the participants that listened to music they liked felt more pleasure, and thus had more chills. The chills were also shown by bodily changes, including an increase in heart rate and breathing rate and a drop in body temperature. The PET scans depict an increase in the amount of dopamine sent between cells in the mesolimbic system. Thus, Salimpoor’s research concludes that dopamine release is associated with the pleasurable sensation of listening to music, which causes a feeling of pleasure and chills.
Now I see why I felt those chills when I stood there at Notre Dame that day. The music caused a release of dopamine in my brain, giving me the sensation of pleasure so that I could enjoy the experience for as long as I was there. The chills are just the byproduct of that pleasure, so that I realize just how much I like the music. Hopefully I can go visit Notre Dame again one day. If I do, I hope that the musician is there again—I’m ready for some more dopamine release with the sound of his out-of-this-world music!
-Mayur Patel

Salimpoor V, Benovoy M, Larcher K, Dagher A, Zatorre R (2011) Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nature Neuroscience 14: 257-262
Schott B, Minuzzi L, Krebs R, Elmenhorst D, Lang M, Winz O, Seidenbecher C, Coenen H, Heinze H, Zilles K, Duzel E, Bauer A (2008) Mesolimbic Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activations during Reward Anticipation Correlate with Reward-Related Ventral Striatal Dopamine Release. The Journal of Neuroscience 28: 14211-14319