What is eRA Commons and why should you have an eRA Commons username?

What is eRA Commons?

Definition: eRA Commons – The electronic Research Administration (eRA) provides the IT infrastructure to manage grants awarded by the NIH and other government agencies. eRA Commons is the site for interfacing between the federal agency, grant reviewers, the university, and you.

Why/When do postdocs need to access eRA Commons?
  • If you are paid on a federal grant (for more than 1 calendar month) and the PI of that grant is submitting an annual progress report – your PI must include your eRA commons username
  • If anyone is submitting a grant with you on it, and you are including your biosketch (ie you are Key Personnel) – your eRA commons ID must be included on your biosketch
  • If you are submitting a federal grant:
    • Communicating with any NIH program officials before you submit, your biosketch should have an eRA commons ID
    • When you submit, your profile gets pulled into the application from eRA commons
    • F32 Letters of reference submitted directly to eRA commons and then linked to the application
    • After you submit a grant, you will log into eRA commons to find out the status of your grant (where assigned, dates of review, scores, summary statement, etc), to submit your Just In Time information, to submit Progress reports and Completion reports)
How do you get an eRA Commons Username?

Request an eRA Commons username (same as commons ID) by emailing the Emory Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP, email).

  • Tell them you are a postdoc and need an eRA Commons username
  • Request a ‘Role’ in eRA Commons
    • ‘Postdoctoral Fellow’ if you are not submitting grants
    • ‘PI’ if you are planning on submitting a grant (F32, K or R, CDC, VA, etc)

Once OSP sends you your username, go to eRA Commons to set up your account.

Also contact OSP if you already have an eRA commons username, but it is affiliated with a different university – only Emory OSP can change your affiliation


    • Caroline Pinto on February 11, 2021 at 12:08 pm
    • Reply

    Dr. Maria Bondesson is submitting a grant with me on it, and I am including my biosketch. I am a government employee (staff fellow) at FDA. Thanks,

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