Learn New Digital Skills through Lynda.com!

Looking to learn a new digital skill like coding, Photoshop, app building, or Excel?

Emory now provides access to Lynda.com for all University faculty, staff, and students! Lynda offers over 2,ooo video tutorials on how to use almost any software program you can imagine. Whether you’re looking for an introduction to Photoshop or iMovie, or want to learn advance level skills in InDesign, Lynda is a great resource for improving your skills and boosting your resume.

And don’t forget, the library also offers access to Adobe’s entire Creative Cloud suite of creative software, including Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and more! The Adobe Creative Cloud suite is available on all back six iMacs on the library’s first floor.

You can access Lynda through the Oxford Library’s homepage.

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