Building Liaison Updates!

Research Safety recently added members to the group and adjusted the Building Liaison assignments for the laboratories. Your previous Research Safety Building Liaison or Radiation Safety Liaison may have changed. Review the list to ensure you contact the appropriate person for any laboratory safety or radiation safety related information or questions.

Research Safety Building Liaison Assignments

Rodrick Esaw ( -Whitehead, Atwood, Emerson, Oxford
Paula Pleger ( Winship B, Winship C, Emory Eye Center
Rebecca Neill ( Rollins Research Center
Andy Cohen ( Claudia Nance Rollins, Math & Science, Briarcliff,
Carlos Museum
Meagan Fitzpatrick ( – Midtown CTRL, Emory Children’s Center, Dental Building, Michael Street Greenhouse,
Health Sciences Research Building (HSRB)
Richard Hasse ( Anthropology, Wesley Woods Health Center, Psychology
Michele Edenfield ( Yerkes Primate Center
Dionna Thomas ( – Woodruff Memorial Bldg, Woodruff Extension Bldg., Hope Clinic, North Decatur Human Genetics, Human Anatomy Labs, Ponce Center, Medical Office Tower (Midtown)

Radiation Safety Building Liaison Assignments

Paula Pleger ( Clinic B, Clinic C, Yerkes
Rebecca Neill ( Rollins Research Center, N. Decatur Human Genetics Bldg.
Andy Cohen ( Woodruff Memorial Bldg, Claudia Nance Rollins, Emerson/Atwood, Math & Science
Richard Hasse ( Whitehead, Anthropology, Dental, Health Sciences Research Bldg (HSRB), Emory Children’s Center (ECC)

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