Uniform Guidance: Emory’s Administrative Guide and Researcher’s Quick Guide Are Now Available

The Uniform Guidance Planning Committees are pleased to release two new guidance documents, the Administrative Guide for Uniform Guidance and the Researcher’s Guide.  

Emory’s Administrative Guide for Uniform Guidance provides an overview of the key changes resulting from the implementation of Uniform Guidance and how our processes/requirements have changed. As covered in the document, the first step is to determine if your active award is covered under A-21 or Uniform Guidance.  This varies by agency.  Please review this document to determine the impact to the administration of the awards for which you have responsibility. The Administrative Guide for Uniform Guidance provides can be accessed at http://osp.emory.edu/documents/ugep/ug_admin_guidance_changes_kp_2015_5_4.pdf.

The Researcher’s Guide provides a quick summary of the changes at a very high level and can be accessed at http://osp.emory.edu/documents/ugep/ug_quickguide_v.1_kp_2015_5_4.pdf.

If you have any questions, please contact your RAS, OSP, or OGCA Administrator.

 ***It is important to keep in mind that a very small amount of the awards we currently have at Emory are subject to Uniform Guidance.   Most of the active awards at Emory continue to be subject to A21, A110 and A133.  So while we do not have full guidance from the federal agencies, most of the terms of our active awards have not changed. 

Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President
Office of Research Administration

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