Do You Hand Wash?

Good hand washing is important to prevent the spread of germs. Think about everything that you touch from the moment you wake up, come to work, and go home. Your hands may have come into contact with germs doing your daily activities. Check out this APIC film festival winning video that shows a day in the life of a hand. While the video chronicles hands from a healthcare perspective, the context is applicable to everyone.


Cleaning hands with soap and water is the preferred method to prevent the spread of germs. When soap and water are unavailable, alcohol based sanitizers can also be used. Alcohol sanitizers must contain at least 60% alcohol to be effective.

The CDC has information on “Hand washing: Clean Hands Save Lives.” Look at Figure 1 for a few examples from the CDC guidelines on WHEN to hand wash and Figure 2 for HOW to hand wash. Do you need a demonstration on hand washing? Head over to the CDC website for this video: Fight Germs, Wash Your Hands!


So, what do you gain from Hand washing?

Reducing the spread of germs to others!

Preventing the spread of infection, such as diarrheal and respiratory illnesses!

Staying healthy!

Preventing the overuse of antibiotics!

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