Category Archives: EHSO

Environmental Health & Safety Office

Environmental Health and Safety Office – Bench to Bedside Collaboration in the Wake of SARS-CoV-2

The recent Coronavirus outbreak has resulted in an international response to control the spread of this virus and to better understand the epidemiology of this disease.  This virus was recently named SARS-CoV-2 and the disease is called COVID-19.  The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) is collaborating with University and Healthcare partners to provide support […]

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BBP ECP 2020 Update

An Exposure Control Plan is important because it helps protect workers from exposures to blood and other body fluids[1].  The Emory Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan (BBP ECP) has been reviewed and updated for 2020 according to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030. One highlight in the 2020 revision is the addition of […]

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New Laboratory Signage Requirements Form

EHSO has updated the Laboratory Signage Requirements Form. It is now an automated form that is designed to make signage requests faster and easier for you. Follow the link on our website under “Research Safety,” then click “Laboratory Hazard Signage Program” on the left side of the page. Alternatively, go to the “Forms and Documents” […]

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March is Ladder Safety Month!

Ladders are commonly used in the home and workplace, but do we give them much thought before stepping on one? If used improperly, ladders can be dangerous or even fatal. According to the Liberty Mutual 2019 Workplace Safety Index, $4.9 billion is spent on workplace falls to a lower level such as from ladders and […]

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Lab Safety Spotlight

After the Research Safety team conducted laboratory inspections during the month of January, our team has selected one lab to be recognized. EHSO would like to recognize the Vega Lab for the January Lab Safety Spotlight. Congratulations to the members of Dr. Nicole Vega’s research group for embracing a culture of safety. Keep up the […]

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Do You Use a Centrifuge?

Nils Schoof, lab manager for Dr. Ann Chahroudi’s research group, provides in this article a collection of good laboratory practices that the Chahroudi lab members follow to ensure that centrifuges are working properly and are decontaminated regularly. Centrifuge maintenance is an important everyday practice to maintain optimal condition and safety in every research laboratory. Regular […]

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Working with Hazardous Chemicals in Animals

If you are planning on working with hazardous chemicals and animals there are a few requirements that need to be met. You must be listed on an EHSO Chemical Safety Approval Letter and your PI must have IACUC approval to use hazardous chemicals in animals. To be listed on an EHSO approval letter, your PI […]

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AAALAC International Site Visit at Emory University

The AAALAC International site visit of the animal care and use program at Emory University will be conducted by a 4-person team of peers on March 3-5, 2020.  While much of the focus will be on DAR and IACUC, laboratories will be site visited, particularly those where surgery and other experimental procedures are done on […]

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Working with Hazardous Chemicals at Emory University – Particularly Hazardous Substances

OSHA and Emory University require that individual laboratories develop written procedures for handling particularly hazardous substances (See the OSHA Lab Standard 1910.1450 and Emory University Chemical Hygiene Plan). Written procedures document that personnel are trained and help to ensure a safe and compliant workplace. Particularly hazardous substances are chemical agents that pose a serious health […]

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Lab Safety Spotlight

EHSO would like to recognize Priya D’Souza for the December Lab Safety Spotlight. “Priya consistently maintains lab safety and cleanliness. She is quick to identify and correct potential lab safety issues as well as notify other lab members. She also stays current on the available safety information and changes in Emory University’s safety policies and […]

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