Working with Hazardous Chemicals at Emory University – Particularly Hazardous Substances

OSHA and Emory University require that individual laboratories develop written procedures for handling particularly hazardous substances (See the OSHA Lab Standard 1910.1450 and Emory University Chemical Hygiene Plan). Written procedures document that personnel are trained and help to ensure a safe and compliant workplace.

Particularly hazardous substances are chemical agents that pose a serious health hazard as indicated by these symbols, and with the text “carcinogen,” “reproductive toxin,” “acutely toxic,” and/or “mutagen.”

Consult the safety data sheet for chemical agents in your laboratory to verify whether you handle particularly hazardous substances in the lab.

What does the lab need to do?

Develop written procedures for handling particularly hazardous substances, and train personnel on these procedures. The UCLA library of chemical hazard standard operating procedures (SOPs) is a great resource that laboratories can adapt and adopt:

Complete and update annual hazardous chemical registration in the online laboratory registration system, BioRAFT.

How is EHSO helping?

EHSO has developed an educational resource for particularly hazardous substances that laboratories can adapt and adopt. Particularly Hazardous Substances Educational Resource

BioRAFT features a chemical safety form that can be used to develop written procedures as well. Upon request, EHSO will also review written procedures that laboratories develop.

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