Category: NIH
New Requirements for
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Application Completeness and Compliance Stressed in NIH Notice
NOTICE from NIH: NIH Applications Must Be Complete and Compliant with NIH Policy and Application Instructions at the Time of Submission NIH has issued a notice (NOT-OD-17-105) reminding all applicants that NIH will consistently apply standards for applications completeness and for compliance with all submission requirements and NIH policies. The notice did not include any…
NIH Provides Updated Definition of Clinical Trial
***IMPORTANT: NIH CLINICAL TRIAL FUNDING OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT and UPDATED DEFINITION OF CLINICAL TRIAL*** The NIH Clinical Trial Funding Opportunity Announcement policy requires all applications with due dates on/after January 25, 2018 involving clinical trials be submitted through a FOA specific to clinical trials. More information on this will be provided by ORA over the upcoming…
NIH Announces new “FORMS-E” Grant Application Forms and Instructions, Effective January 25, 2018
NIH has announced that there will be changes to its grant application forms and application guide instructions for all proposals with due dates on or after January 25, 2018. The new “FORMS-E” package will include the consolidation of human subjects, inclusion enrollment and clinical trial information, the expansion and use of discrete form fields…
NIH Changes Process to Complete Relinquishments
NIH has changed the process to complete relinquishments. In the past, the PHS3734 form was completed noting an estimated amount of direct and indirect cost being relinquished. Upon obtaining all required signatures, the completed form was emailed or mailed to the noted sponsor contact. The process has changed. All forms are now populated and completed…
Research Terms and Conditions (RTCs) Released and Available
The revised Research Terms and Conditions (RTCs) have been made available. The RTCs address and implement the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200). The RTCs incorporate the entire Uniform Guidance by reference and clarify or supplement existing provisions where appropriate. They further incorporate by reference the most…
Interim Guidance on Salary Limitation for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Issued by National Institute of Health Since 1990, Congress has legislatively mandated a limitation on direct salary for individuals under NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards (referred to here as a grant). The mandate appears in the annual appropriation act that provides authority for NIH to incur obligations for a given Fiscal Year (FY). At…
Notifications From NIH Regarding 2017 Funding
NIH has published additional information regarding FY17 funding. The “Further Continuing and Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017” signed by President Obama on December 10, 2016 continues government operations through April 28, 2017 at 99.8099 percent of the FY2016 enacted level. Consistent with past NIH practices, the NIH will issue non-competing research grant awards at a…
2017 NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration
The National Institutes of Health is hosting the 2017 Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration in New Orleans on May 3-5 and in Baltimore, Maryland, Oct. 25-27, 2017. These seminars offer a comprehensive program including such topics as fundamentals of the NIH, compliance, peer review, grant writing for success, pre-award and post-award issues for administrators and investigators, animal…